Mostly overcast ... but a few sunny spells later.

19th December 2016 (Monday) .....  13.00    Welll ... we haven’t been swamped by ‘sunny spells’ so far today;  it has been mostly overcast, with a cool Westerly wind.    It looks like the best part of ‘today’ was at sunrise time.    I was down
Sunrise with Pat and Dora.
there early because, three quarters of an hour before sunrise, the horizon was a bright orange/ red colour.    The first thing I check, after my e-mails, is the Anstruther web cam on “Fife Weather” ... this gives me an idea as to what is happening in the South Eastern sky.   The sunrise was bonnie, but not of the spectacular kind.

Most of my time has been spent getting organised for tomorrow.... finishing packing the case etc;  and making sure that I have ‘posted’ all the Christmas cards.   I think I have managed to do everyone on the list!

Jimmy has been in for his cuppa;   which was a very welcome break, after a non-stop morning.     I’ll take ‘Sooper Buggy’ along to Jimmy’s in the afternoon, then spend the remainder of the day tidying up.    That reminds me.... I made a couple of check lists;   the ‘plan’ was to print them off!   I’ll go and do that now.

21.30     I’ve had a busy day finishing off the packing.    I ‘ticked’ off the ‘check lists’ and it could be said that I am ready for ‘take off’.     Both case and rucksack are lighter than usual;  but I have all that I need.  The laptop and connections are packed, as is the Olympus camera.    Yes I’m ready for my ‘Festive Season’ in Sussex.    This
Part of Earlsferry High street.
will be the first time I have spent Christmas in England.    

‘Mooring up’ Sooper Buggy  at Jimmy’s this afternoon turned into something right out of ‘Last of the Summer Wine’.    Jimmy has a trailer parked at the top of his drive way and I ‘moor’ the car close up to this trailer.    Today I went too close, and the trailer hook ended up under the front fairing of ‘SB’.    Wellllll....  you should have seen us trying to get the two, trailer and car, untangled!     Eventually we dug a hole so that the trailer tow bar could drop below the level of the car fairing.   Digging the hole was not easy.    Why? .... because Jimmy had laid his driveway with bricks many years ago, he then had the bricks covered with chips.   However there must have been one brick short because we got lucky and found that space.   Eureka! .... everything back to normal;   after about quarter of an hour.   We enjoyed a cuppa while watching some kind of ‘Robin Hood’ film;   the cuppa was good, the film? .... I’d say it
Traffic hold up in Earlsferry!
was the worst ‘Robin Hood’ film I’ve ever seen.  Maybe it was a comedy film.... it was certainly good for a laugh.

I’ll do a quick Hutte update in the morning;   the evening one will be from Uckfield.

Photographs : Top – sunrise with Pat and Dora, Middle – part of Earlsferry High Street, and Bottom – a traffic hold up in Earlsferry!

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