Beautiful autumn morning ....

1st December 2016 (Thursday) .... 09.30     What a braw night’s sleep I had last night:   I don’t know why, but I slept like a log, and only woke up when I heard
Interesting sky.
‘Wallace and Gromit’,....  somewhere far away.    That was at 05.45, so I turned over and ‘rose’ at 07.30..... had a cuppa then went down to the beach. 

It’s a nice morning, though there is a cool breeze from the Northwest, and I’d say that the sky is about 60% covered in clouds:   which the sun will thin out in ‘nae time’.    There’s a braw drying wind.... I think I’ll go and see if I can come up with some stuff to wash.

21.00    I wasn’t able to make use of the ‘drying wind’;   I didn’t have enough washing to make a load;   probably do that tomorrow.    Although it has been dry all day, with the aforesaid wind, it has been cold, and I have spent most of the time pottering around Ivy.    Jimmy came in earlier than usual for his morning cuppa, and read the ‘newness’ out of the East Fife Mail:  this is unlikely to cause eyestrain.   I read the Courier.     Talking ... actually writing... about ‘eyestrain’, Jimmy and I are both having our eyes tested on Tuesday morning in Anstruther (Govan’s)... me at 09.00 (‘cos I’m the driver) and Jimmy at 09.30.   The optician puts drops in the eyes, which takes a wee
Elie Granary lit by the setting sun.
while to clear away.... hence me going ‘in’ first.   We shall also visit a coffee shop to help pass the time.

This afternoon we had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ ... I was going to ‘say’ that it was quiet, but it wasn’t;   it may not have been as busy as I’ve seen it, but there was plenty chatting going on.    As is our ‘norm’ Jimmy and I went to the harbour to see what was happening down there.     Bizarrely enough there were a number of people around;  I say bizarrely because it, the harbour, is not the warmest of places.     And, it’s not my favourite place for taking a sunset photograph from;   along in Elie, I think the Toft is best:   you can get the granary, or the Terrace into the photo.    At the harbour you need a ‘model’ and I’m fresh oot o’ models just now!    Jimmy refuses to get out o’ his warm car, and ‘M’ is sweltering in Otaki, being
Sunset - from Elie Harbour.
threatened by attacks of ‘the mauchless’!   I suppose a ‘selfie’ stick might be the answer.    Then again perhaps not!

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to much the same as today’s, but less windy;   it should might feel warmer!    I think Jimmy and I are going to Leven in the morning, and visiting Chris in the afternoon:  a busy day, for the ‘boys’. 

Photographs : Top – bonnie sky at sunrise time, the sunrise was happening behind me, and behind low clouds, Middle – this is where a ‘model’ was required;  the granary lit by the setting sun, and Bottom – sunset.

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