Dreich ... but bonnie

9th December 2016 (Friday) .... 11.00     It’s overcast with spits and spots of light rain now and again;   in one word ‘dreich’.     Having said that I’ve been
Elie this morning
on the beach, up at the shop, and down to the harbour, and, in spite of the dreich-ness Elie and Earlsferry is looking lovely:  we don’t need sunshine to be that especial place!

I am in ‘medium flap on state’ this morning;   the ‘boy’ (that’s me) has been busy since dawn cracked.    I’ve been on the beach to watch the sun rise:  it didn’t... well it did but behind clouds, then I went up to the shop to get the paper, met Primrose, went down to the Harbour.... and arrived back at Ivy at 10.35.     Jimmy has just arrived so I’m updating the Hutte while he reads the ‘newness’ oot o’ the east Fife Mail!    We’re going along to the Windmill to visit Chris, after lunch.  

The Toft,  Elie.
21.00     Iain arrived at 18.20 (ish), and brought with him my new tripod:   the tripod will allow me to take photos  24/7!     Not that I intend doing that, but I want to take photographs in the earlier morning, and at ‘gloaming’ time.

As per ‘plan’ I drove Jimmy along to the Windmill to visit Chris;  it was there that we amended the ‘plan’.    I went to visit Eleanor and Sandy, who have one of the new houses being built on the nearby estate in Cellardyke.    We had a grand reminisce about ‘Craw’s Nest days, and ... knees!   The three of us, Eleanor, Sandy and I, have had knee operations.    Eleanor’s sister, Elizabeth has a house a few doors away from Sandy and Eleanor, so I had a wee chat with her too.    Elizabeth has a new Mini Cooper,  a convertible.... the perfect car for Elizabeth.      All three, Eleanor, Elizabeth and Sandy haven’t changed, though they will be older:  it doesn’t show.

I got back to the Windmill in time to join Jimmy and Chris, before the tea trolley came
Earlsferry and Williamsburgh from Elie pier.
round.    I ended up sitting between ‘Dot’ and ‘Wilma’;  both of whom were in a good mood.    Dot likes ‘arguing’ about anything, while Wilma was singing at times.... I think.    Chris was very unsettled this afternoon, and kept wanting Jimmy to take her ‘out’ for a walk;  this meant that Jimmy was well tired by the time we left.... even though ‘out for a walk’ only meant wandering along the corridors.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is ‘windy with long sunny spells’ ... and slightly colder.    I’m happy with that:  I was happy with today... dull as it was.

Photographs : all taken from the Elie Harbour pier this morning. 

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