East wind... and damp

13th December 2016 (Tuesday)       09.00    We have a cold East wind this morning, bringing cloud, and dampness,  in from the North Sea;  not a ‘pretty’ morning, and not a morning for pottering around on the beach.    Overcast and damp it
Dull morning.
may be, but I have been down to the beach for a breath of fresh, Elie and Earlsferry, air;  but I didn’t hang about ... East is not my favourite  wind direction.    Back at Ivy I turned the heating up a notch .... and put on the kettle.    I have an appointment with Miss Webber at St Andrews this afternoon... today’s ‘main mission’.    The kettle is bound to have boiled by now;  I’m going to have a cuppa. 

21.30    The ‘Troops’, Jim and Jimmy are just away home after our weekly session of churning over the local news;  the most important ‘news’, being that tomorrow is ‘Friendship Lunch’  day.    Jimmy and I have decided to remind each other by way of phoning:   which is fine.... as long as we don’t forget to phone!      I can’t imagine us forgetting any function that involves food, served by our own lovely ‘waitresses’.
The best of today’s weather arrived late in the afternoon... about sunset time:  prior to that it was .... “dreich”.    It was raining when I left to go to St Andrews, but, but the
Earlsferry at sunset.
time I got to Largoward I’d driven through the worst of the weather, and St Andrews was ‘overcast but dry’.    My appointment was for 13.40, but I was taken early, and back in Elie by 14.05.    In between ‘going in and coming out’ I had PSA test, and general chat;   oh... and fell in love with the Nurse that took the ‘Royal’ blood.   

I finished printing orf my Christmas cards this afternoon;   tomorrow morning, I shall write the ones that have to be posted, and get them away.     Luckily I won’t have to ‘fabricate’ food tomorrow;  that will be well taken care of with the ‘Friendship Lunch’.     Wednesday’s weather is forecast to be better .... overcast, with a long sunny spell in the middle of the day... ‘Friendship Lunch!

‘The Plan’ for tomorrow is more or less ‘set in stone’;   Potter down to the beach
Sunset lit clouds over Willliamsburgh.
early, write cards while waiting on a ‘delivery’, go to Friendship Lunch, write mair cards ... and have  cuppas at regular intervals.   Yes a busy day ahead.

Photographs : Top – this morning at Elie and Earlsferry, Middle – sunset at Earlsferry, and Bottom – sunset time over Williams-burgh.  

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