Nice calm morning .....

24th December 2016 (Saturday)..... 10.30      WE have a nice calm day after yesterday’s ‘hoolie’;  it is overcast at present but the sun is trying to break through.   I’m going ‘down town’ for some exercise and to get a ‘pinnie’ for Janice.   Must go ‘slight flap on’ mode has kicked in.    

23.00    It has been slightly colder today, though not cold for the time of year.    I enjoyed my walk ‘down town’ this morning;  it’s getting back ‘up town’ that’s the hard bit.     On the way home I fancied a rest so went into “Ray’s The Barber’s” and had a badly needed hair cut;  the barber asked me if I had a hat with me because he reckoned I’d need it when I went out.    I did!    Have a hat i.e.... and needed it when I left the shop!   Oh .... and, I remembered to get Janice a ‘pinnie’.    His name, the Barber’s name i.e. wasn’t ‘Ray’, .... (as far as I can understand, ‘Ray’ is the name of the bloke who originally had the ‘shop’, yonks ago) .... anyway, the bloke who cut my
Sunset over Uckfield.
hair today, who’s name isn’t ‘Ray’, gave me a braw haircut!    Jings this is getting complicated!    And I should have asked the bloke his name!

Emily and John  arrived late in the afternoon, since when we .... caught up with each other’s ‘news’, had food, .... then John unpacked  his guitar  entertained us with some very skilful and  easy on the ear playing.   I managed to get a short video of John playing.    The ‘Troops’ are away down to the ‘Club’ leaving Bonnie and myself i/c at “No 1”.     It’s actually quite mild tonight, and there’s nae wind;   somewhat different from last night, in fact the temperature is forecast to rise to very unseasonal heights over the  next few days... even in Bonnie Scotland;   though up there it will also be windy.

I think I’ll make myself a cuppa, then settle down in front of the tele.  Michael and Janice have “Sky” and there are a few more channels to browse through:  though as far as I can see ‘television’ is a great invention ‘wasted’.   Religion used to be the ‘opiate of the masses’ .... ‘sport’ has taken on that role nowadays.

Photograph : Christmas Eve Sunset sky over Uckfield.  

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