Definitely not 'Sunny Sussex' ......

21st December 2016 (Wednesday) ..... 10.30    It’s not cold in Sunny Sussex’ but it ain’t sunny either;   it’s dreich, with heavy ‘Scotch Mist’ but it may
New Coffee Shop
brighten up later.     We had a surprise visit from ‘JB’  who dropped in on his way home from work;   this means I have caught up withal the Pevensey news.  He was asking about our ‘villages’ and I told him that I’d left Jim and Jimmy in charge  of them, (the ‘villages’ i.e.,  not themselves), over the Festive Season.    He reckons that should liven the ‘auld place’ up a bit. 

My ‘plan’ was to go ‘down town’ but I’m not going to do that until the rain/drizzle clears up.   I think a cuppa could be required.
22.30      The  ‘Scotch Mist’ weather persisted on and orf all day.... a rather  miserable kind of day really.    I managed to take a walk ‘down town’ in the early afternoon... which was  good exercise, especially the walk back up the hill.    We don’t have much of the way of hills in Elie and Earlsferry, and it going to take me a while to get used to walking up Uckfield High Street.     With it being mild, by the time I was back ‘home’ I
Uckfield High Street
was swea ...perspiring.... and in well in need of a cuppa.

We’ve, got the laptop all organised;   all I need is the weather to improve so that I can get out with the camera.   That said, Michael and Janice have to go to Eastbourne for the day, so I’m going to bake .... Melting Moments.   “Bonnie” the dog will really be i/c.... and most likely trotting around under my feet.

Colin, a neighbour of Michael’s came
visiting in the afternoon;   although he has lived in Uckfield for many years he is a ‘Londoner’ .... with that London sense of humour.    He reminds me “Spidgie”, also a Londoner, friend of mine when we worked in the SMC office in Cyprus;    “Spidgie” had that same London wit. 
The weather forecast for ‘London and the Southeast is for it to be colder with good sunny spells after early mist and fog.

Photographs : all taken on Uckfield High Street this afternoon, 

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