Strange machine .....

12th September 2016 (Monday) .... 09.00    I have finally found out why the green keepers sit sideways on the wee roller machine that you see  scuttling over
David on the 'Scuttler' ... an Oz' green roller.
the greens;   the machine is manufactured in Australia, and comes with the seat facing sideways.    I still don’t see the advantage of sitting sideways, apart from a different view, but there must be one;  and the greens look good after they’ve been rolled.

We have a ‘breezy and overcast’ morning;  and, though the clouds can threaten rain at times, rain isn’t in the forecast for us... in fact we should have warm sunny spells by midday.    I need my breakfast, having been out on the bike for a turn round the Chapel Green etc. 

  21.30     It has been warm today.... with the wind coming straight up from somewhere warm.     I went out on the bike in the afternoon... only along the villages and up through Elie Estate but it was extremely enjoyable.    I had been working in the garden .... but came to the conclusion that I needed to have some play time .... oops ... exercise.    I enjoyed meeting a number of folks enjoying our wee villages, before going into the Estate.... which I seemed to have all to myself.   Although it has been mostly a
dull day, with a couple of showers around midday, the cloud cover broke up for a while, and we ended up with a slightly brighter evening.   It did begin to spit rain when I was up at Chapel Green at sunset time ... which was disappointing....  but not that surprising.    The weather forecast for tomorrow is;   ‘bright and sunny’ in the morning, with cloud developing later.

When I was out on the bike, this afternoon,  my breathing was imperfect.... a sure sign of pollution in the air.    When I got back home I had a look at the DEFRA pollution site, and higher pollution levels are forecast for the East Coast of the UK, tomorrow and Wednesday.    I must have felt the start of it this afternoon.    The monitoring station nearest to us is in Edinburgh.... this means that my breathing, is the only ‘monitoring station’ I can use around our villages.

Jimmy and I are hoping to go to Leven in the morning, with the completed ‘Blue
Earlsferry half an hour before sundown
Badge’ form..... however Jimmy has to phone, to get an ‘appointment’ time for this;   so it might be tomorrow afternoon before we go to Leven.   In fact it might not even be tomorrow!   Jings I remember when you just wandered in to your Local Office to get things.    There are fewer ‘Local Offices’ now, and Leven is probably ‘our’ Local Office’.   Anstruther has a ‘Local Office’ but it is only ‘open’ on two mornings a week;   Tuesday and Thursday.    Jings... before we know it Leven will be the administrative Centre for the East Neuk.

Photographs : Top – David Bowers on the ‘Oz’ green roller, Middle – Elie Harbour, Bottom – Sunset time at Earlsferry.

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