Overcast and windy... a warm southerly .....

24th September 2016 (Saturday) .... 09.30     The weather is not spectacularly ‘bright and sunny’ this morning;   it’s of the “cloudy (but not raining),
Earlsferry beach this morning
with a warm southerly wind”, kind ..... not bonnie but nice enough to be out in.   I have ‘no plan(s)’ for today, though I will go out for a walk at some point in the morning;    ending up at the ‘Boss’s Seat’ for ‘morning coffee .... maybe.    I believe a cuppa is called for, before I blunder into any kind of madcap ‘action’:  not that I’m capable of much in the way of ‘madcap’ nowadays.... it’s mostly, just straightforward ‘blundering’.    

21.00     Had I known how ‘warm’ it was going to be on the beach I’d have worn a heavier jacket .... because it was cool in the strong SSW wind:   so much for the weather being ‘warm’.    That said, I did have an enjoyable walk along the beach and up to Chapel Green... under what was an interesting sky.   The beach was busy, with folk through for the weekend.... and I managed to ‘incorporate’ some of the aforementioned walkers into the pictures to give the photographs, ‘life’ and perspective ... albeit at a distance.    When ‘M’ was here that was her job ... and she did it excellently... and was in the foreground.      When I got up to Chapel Green, I met Jimmy coming back from his walk;  we sat on one of the seats, and watched the folk on the beach ... they looked like leaderless ants, but then that’s what you do on a beach .... relax, and be happy!    (Thinking about it ...  I don’t suppose ‘leaderless ants’ are happy ants!)    Anyway the folks on the beach looked ‘happy’,  in spite of the weather
Earlsferry beach at low tide today
being on the cool side of warm!    However, although sitting watching folk on the beach is enjoyable, and not too strenuous, we both began to feel in need of a warming cuppa and went down to Ivy.

Low tide was at 15.20 today so I ventured down to the beach once again... this time well wrapped up against the wind.   The weather was more or less the same as it had been in the morning, though the wind was stronger;  the sky was still an interesting mix of different grey's, and there were folk on the beach;  someone had even been building sand castles....which is what our beach is ‘all about’;   enjoying!

Jimmy went along o the Windmill, where he found Chris in excellent form... and with her broken arm in plaster.   On the way home he stopped at ‘Murray’s Chippy’ in St
Elie beach today
Monans and bought a ‘pudding supper’ which he brought to Ivy and we ate it between us.    The mince and ‘tauties’ I intended having is ‘on hold’, until tomorrow, but I did have a taste ... and I think it’s the best mince I’ve ever made:   it has Michaels ‘Top Secret’ ingredient in it.

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be brighter, but still windy,  probably a good day for garde ... oops walking. 

Photographs : Top – the beach this morning, Middle  and Bottom – the beach this afternoon.

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