Bonnie sunrise .....

26th September 2016 (Monday) ... 09.00    This is the kind of morning for working in the garden .... its ‘sunny, bright and breezy’... but, after I have nipped a
Sunrise over Elie
few more twigs orf the Buddleia bush (hereafter ‘BB’) I’ll find something  tricky to do;  like going out on the bike.   

Sunrise time was a good time to be down on the beach .... it was beautiful.    One lady, out walking her five month Spaniel ( actually she .. the pup, not the lady..... looked like it had been ‘knitted’),  had her coffee in one of those ‘keep warm’ mugs.... now that is thinking.    Mind you I’d need three arms to be able to do that.    I’m hungry now .... need to eat something, I haven’t had breakfast yet:  no wonder poor, underfed, “Puku” is grumbling!   “Puku” underfed? ... ..... I don’t think so.

21.30     There are a few butterflies around still ... I’ve seen a Red Admiral, a Peacock,  and a Painted Lady....  feeding on the last three flower heads on the ‘BB’ today;   I was
... a few minutes before sunrise 
pleasantly surprised by this as it was quite cold in the wind.... but obviously warm enough, to get butterflies on the wing, when the sun did break through.    This also means that the ‘BB’ was pleasantly surprised too;    it is safe for another few days.
I’ve been feeling ‘lazy’ today;   but I did bike up to Chapel Green to have a wee explore among the rocks down by the Rumblin’ Gut, Earlsferry’s old rubbish tip.   The horse drawn cart, a ‘ferm cairt’ adapted for the job, was backed up to a sleeper (the metal pins that held the sleeper in place are still there), the body of the ‘cairt’ was released and the rubbish dropped straight into the ‘gut’.... and vanished with the tide.    Jimmy and Sydney would occasionally have a look for ‘stuff’, at low tide, and were sometimes lucky enough to find ‘money’.

This evening I went North, up to the ‘Pony Field’, to watch the sunset, but all I saw
was the sun dropping behind a big, dark grey, cloud
bank... half an hour before sunset time.    This meant that the Ferry was ‘in the gloaming’ rather than lit up by the setting sun, which is what I wanted to capture:   however it was all very atmospheric, and I arrived back at Ivy ....‘happy’.

I’m contemplating a ‘sleep in’ tomorrow morning;  the weather forecast isn’t “iggzactly” of the ‘get up for the sunrise’ kind ..... the weather is forecast to be dull, and perhaps even wet, early morning, then clearing up to ‘bright and sunny’ through the morning.    I’ll have a look at 06.00 to see what the chances are of seeing the sun rise.

Photographs : Top – a few minutes before sunrise ... the wee spaniel pup can just be seen on the wet sand, with her owner on the left of the picture with her coffee mug... that’s cool, Middle – sunrise this morning, and Bottom – Earlsferry in the ‘gloamin’.

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