Shingles 'jab' ......

5th September 2016 (Monday) .... 08.30     and .... we have another lovely morning, but there is a light southeast wind and it feels cool.    However, as a
Dog going in for a paddle
lassie I met on the beach said ....”Cool? .... no  this is warm Scottish summer morning!”   Now that’s, Scottish positive thinking!    Her dog went in for a paddle... and that made me feel cold!     It is actually a nice morning though there is a touch of autumn in the air.    Must go ... I have  a ‘slight flap on’ .... I haven’t had breakfast.

21.30     I’ve had another busy day:   mostly ‘playing’ .... but I did move the ‘broon bucket’ round to the front garden... that could be called ‘work related’.   The shingles jab was painless, and I don’t think I’ve had any after effects;   having said that, I did fall asleep in the Hutte for nigh on an hour this afternoon.     There’s nothing new there is there?  =   I didn’t have any after effects!    I had been down on the beach at low tide (midday).... this must have tired me out!

After having a reviving mug of ‘The Hutte’ Finest;   it tasted so bad that it felt like swallowing smelling salts.    That said... it did the job... I was wide awake, and in an
Elie Granary from the Cockstail rocks
alert state immediately.    I went out on the bike... this time up to Chapel green.    For the first time I met another bike on Sea Tangle Road;  we  both commented on the fact that Sea Tangle Road does not have an overabundance of folks biking over it.   It was also on Sea Tangle Road that I met, and chatted to a lady from the USA, who now lives in St Monans.... and, like all of us, loves, and appreciates, living in the East Neuk.   We are lucky living where we do.    Then, further round the Chapel Green path I met Shona, with her friend Leila;   Shona was showing Leila round our corner of the East Neuk.

Later in the evening I went down to the beach, for the third time today;   I can’t help
School Wynd, Elie
myself.... I can see pictures in my mind and have to go down there to get them.    It was, as ever beautiful , and I wasn’t the only person out enjoying the calm evening air.

Jim and I are going to Leven, first thing tomorrow, for haircuts.... so I’d better be on the move early:   If we get along to the hairdresser for 09.30 (ish) we might get taken straight away.   
  The weather for tomorrow is forecast to be ‘cloudy with spells of sunshine’.

Photographs : Top – a Retriever going in for a paddle, Middle – Elie Granary, and Lighthouse from the Cockstail rocks, and Bottom – School Wynd, Elie.

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