Deil's Lodge walk ....

30th September 2016 (Friday) .... 12.00    and we have had a nice, ‘long sunny spells with shower clouds now and again.. it’s a braw drying day! .... and I
Balcarres pond.
do have a  washing on the line.    Ah ... the reason for being so late with the Hutte? .... I went up to the Deil’s Lodge (Balcarres) and had a walk down to the sawmill, and round the pond ... the pond has been empty for most of the summer but is full of water just now.     This was a nice relaxing walk ... out of the wind;   in fact it was hot in the sun.

Jimmy has just left Ivy, after his morning cuppa ... he’s at a loose end, and was thinking of going along to see what’s happening at St Monans harbour.

18.00    My laptop has decided to ‘update’ and it’s a big update,... taking several hours.    This is the second attempt at this update .... I, inadvertently, switched it off the first time.   This attempt at updating began when I switched it (the laptop) ‘on’ late this afternoon, so it will just have to poodle along until it’s finished.    This means that I
Forth Street, St Monans
can’t  e-mail, nor Skype, this is not good.    At this moment in time the laptop screen is ‘grey’ and looks like it’s doing nothing.... the last thing I saw on the screen was that it had done 25% of the update.    It was at this ‘grey screen’ stage that I switched it orf the first time it tried this update;  I ain’t touching it this time.

20.00     Would you believe it!..... it (presumably  the Windows automatic update thingy) is now “restoring your previous version of Windows”.     The last notice I had of anything was a window telling me that they had encountered a problem and would restart my computer ... then went back to the grey and ‘dead’ screen.   I eventually switched everything off  and now await the completion of this restoring my last version of Windows.     Ah .... it looks like I could be back in action.    I do not want this ‘update’ but I can’t stop ‘them’ trying to do it as far as I can see.
East Pier Smokehouse, St Monans.

22.00    Oh my word ... I’ve had an enjoyable day mostly;  the laptop update fiasco was frustrating, but all’s well that ends well.... I’m back where I started, and I know this version of ‘Windows 10’ works.   I’m happy.

We (Jimmy and me) took Jimmy’s car along to the Leven car wash in the afternoon;   we were apprehensive about the mirrors surviving the floppy brushes, but they did, and Jimmy’s car is clean.    Jimmy’s happy.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is ‘heaps of sunshine with very little in the way of wind or cloud’... perfect!    I shall be ‘up’ and out early.
Photographs : Top – Balcarres sawmill pond, Middle – Forth Street, St Monans, and Bottom – the East Pier Smokehouse.

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