Beautiful morning... fresh and autumnal ...

19th September 2016 (Monday) ... 10.00     This is the kind of morning I like.... bright and sunny with ‘autumn’ in the air .... the kind of morning that gives me
Early morning at Elie
the urge to  get into the garden to clobber a few weeds.    I haven’t done that yet ... clobbered weeds in the garden.... but I have been along to the Paper Shop, and down to the harbour.    Not only does the air feel good there’s a braw ‘light’ about... so, I’ve enjoyed myself.    Now? .... I suppose I’d better have a look at the garden!

21.30     I was a bundle of energetic boy genes this morning;   I stripped my bed, a week early.   I usually do it every two weeks but I got mixed up, anyway the weather forecast was good for washing sheets today ... and I was in the mood for bed making.   The bedding has been washed, and it’s all nearly dry;  dry enough for ironing... apart
HNLMS Snellius - Dutch Hydrographic survey vessel
from one sheet, which I’ll hang out first thing tomorrow..
Progress in the garden never got beyond the ‘look’;   Jimmy came along and fancied a run out to someplace so we went to Pettycur Harbour, at Kinghorn, after our morning cuppa.    It’s a sort of ‘old fashioned’ wee harbour, with creel boats and motor pleasure boats ... but nae yachts.    Some of the boats look like they had been built by the fishermen.    This is what makes Pettycur harbour different, .... and interesting.   We had an enjoyable potter around, I took a few photographs, .... we then went to the Harbour Master’s House in Dysart for a cuppa.    It was a nice morning for being
Jimmy at Pettycur Bay Harbour
out.   By the time we got back to Elie (and The Royal Burgh) it had clouded over; so we had done the right thing going out in the morning.     I found half a dozen mushrooms lying at Ivy gate when I got back ... I like mushrooms, but couldn’t use these, because dogs ‘claim’ the stone post at Ivy gate.    The mushrooms hadn’t been left for me, they’d dropped out of some shopping bag I think.
Tomorrow I must definitely do something in the garden ... even if it’s only to reconnoitre, and see how the enemy, the weeds, are deploying themselves.    Efficiently, and effectively, I imagine.... having seeded all over the place.
Jimmy has been on the phone;  he has an appointment at St Andrews tomorrow
The three Forth Bridges as seen from Pettycur Harbour
afternoon at 16.00;  that is a good time ‘cos I’ll have done all the things I need er ... want to do before then.    The weather forecast is good for drying the second sheet .... much the same weather as today.

Photographs : Top – early morning light at Elie Harbour, Next – HNLMS Snellius a Dutch hydro- graphic survey vessel.... and Next -   Jems at Pettycur Bay harbour, and Bottom - the three Forth Bridges as seen from Pettycur.

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