Mmmmm .... it's raining .....

8th September 2016 (Drop in Cafe Day .... er Thursday)   
13.00     ‘M’ is safely ensconced at Kowhai Court, tired, and happy to be home, in ‘wild weather’ Otaki!    Canterbury round about halfway up (or down) South Island
The beach at Anstruther
 has suffered wind damage, with hail and snow.    Otaki is getting the remnants of the storm over the next couple of days.    Of course, with ‘M’ having spent the last three months in Bonnie Scotland, she will be immune to ‘wild weather’.... and, I shall lay it on thick about  how ‘warm and cosy’ is has been in Bonnie Scotland..... for the past few days.   
 Hmmmmmm .... I am glad that I got a few photos yesterday, because there has been some ‘dampness’ around this morning;   it has been raining, heavily, on and orf since 09.32.    I know this, accurately, because it began to rain just as I arrived back at Ivy, after having been at Anstruther for my dental check up.   I don’t need to have any work done so I’m a  happy ‘boy’.   

Jimmy and I went along to Leven for a cuppa in Sainsbury’s to while away the morning time;   when the rain was at its worst.   We have the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon, so
we’ll be waterlogged, both outside and inside.

22.30     This has been a ‘lazy’ kind of day.... though I did go down to the beach in the early part of the evening;   and, I nearly forgot,...  I did have a walk about in Anstruther.   There has been a noticeable drop in temperature this evening;   when I was on the beach it felt very autumnal....  there was a brisk wind blowing.   

Tomorrow morning Jimmy and I are going to Glenrothes.... that will be a change of scenery.....scenery? .... Mmmmm sort of.    We don’t need to go into the centre of Glenrothes.... however, I’m thinking;   if we want a cuppa we’ll probably have to.   Go to the town centre i.e.   The weather forecast for tomorrow is, “cloudy, with rain
Elie beach tonight
moving in later in the afternoon”..... a good day for going to Glenrothes. 
The ‘Drop in Cafe’ was ‘slow’ at first today, but was busy by the time Jimmy and I left, to go down to the harbour for a ‘browse’.    There are still a good few holiday makers around... but the villages are quiet compared to this time last week.

Photographs : Top – Anstruther beach, Middle – Anstruther,  Shore Street, and Bottom – ‘our’ beach this evening

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