Windy and wet ....

 21st October 2023 (Saturday)    09.00 .... Probably because it's the third such morning in

succession, this morning looks and feels like the bleakest morning ever.  It's wet and windy and cold;  however the wind has calmed down to around F5 - 6... and will veer to the West, and the rain move away, in the afternoon.... Sunday  is going to be sunny!    My internet connection was 'iffy' last night but it's working fine just now: there was an 'Outreach' technician working in the Green box up at the phone box yesterday so there must have been a local problem.   It's breakfast time.

11.30   It's another day for staying in and warm... so won't be going to the beach!   Actually, I'm feeling almost 'bright eyed and bushy tailed'  (in spite of the weather), having shaken off the 'bug' I had..... and should be back to 'normal' tomorrow.   

'Blob' was in a good mood when I gave him his morning coffee snack (McVities Digestive' crumbs);  he must know that the wind is going to change direction!    The 'Plan' for today was to make a batch o' Cottage Pies for the freezer.... but I forgot to defrost the mince so that is now a Monday job!   Orf to put the kettle 'on', then get back to the drawing board.   I might take a photo later, to let you see how this drawing is progressing... it's a challenging one; that's what I enjoy about it.

14.30   Having just wakened up after a 'catnap' I see that the rain has stopped, the wind has calmed down; all we need now are a few breaks in the overcast sky to let some sunshine through, and we'd end the day (and the wet spell) happier, and  looking forward to a sunny Sunday.... and a good drying day.   If the sun does break through I might get the bike out and take a turn round 'the Ferry'.   Sadly the change in wind direction is going to be short lived and we'll have East winds again by Tuesday.  

20.00    The wild weather eventually  cleared away and we had a bonnie, but cold, late afternoon and evening.   I went up to Chapel Green, the fist time out on the bike for three days; it was great getting out and about and meeting folk again.   Actually Chapel Green was busy and I ended up chatting to ....oh dear... I'm not sure of her name;  a young lady and her son, who were out for a walk, and enjoying the sunshine.  I must remember to.   Anyway, I enjoyed chatting to them and, and will check names the next time I meet someone.   I've made a load o' new friends over the last few years and get mixed up.   Everybody is so young nowadays!   Could it be me that's ... er.. not so young'?

Sunday is going to be a bonnie, if slightly wintry feeling;  a good drying day and I have a washing in

the machine that will be on the line early.   

I remembered to take a photo of the progress on the latest Kinneuchar Project drawing.... based on a sketch by W.T. Russell of Edinburgh (1896).


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