Interesting sky ....

 27th October 2023 (Friday)    08.00 .... Although rain (of the light shower kind) is mentioned in

the weather forecast, it's not here just now, and it's not cold considering the moderate Easterly breeze;  I might go for the paper (on the bike) once my eyeballs get used tae bein' five feet from the floor.   I had a good night's sleep followed by a good old stretch before blundering into the shower.  Yep.,.... I'm nearly ready for a 'play day'.   

09.00    The sky is not as interesting as it was, with light rain blowing in the breeze;  the biking has been put off until drier, and sunny, interludes make their way to Elie and Earlsferry.... around about midday.

16.00  Biking has been put orf until the next decent spell o' weather.    I nearly went out couple o' times,  but eventually decided that it was a 'drawing day';  and I have enjoyed that.   Today's weather has been disappointing ....tomorrow might be brighter but I'm not planning on going for an adventure.  I didn't go out with the camera today, so the photographs are 'sunny days' from the archive.

20.30   I've had a good day with the pens and pencils.... but I never got out to play.   I did put the bucket out, and brought in in later, but that was the extent of my being 'out and about'.   The bucket was late in being emptied today it was almost dark by the time the 'bucket cairt' arrived.

The weather dictates if I can get excited about going out and if Sarah (weather forecaster) is right tomorrows weather is going to be of the 'low excitement' kind.   Having said that... I'm beginning to get excited with the latest drawing, so I'm not really bothered that much by the weather as far as doing stuff goes;  but it's always better to have a wander out to the front gate on a  sunny day.

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