Beautiful, sunny morning .... ....

 22nd October 2023 (Sunday)    08.30 .... We have a bright and sunny morning;  it's a 'play

day'.... and a good drying day!  The washing is on the line, now I can concentrate on 'playing':  I'm going to visit Alice so I'll pick up the paper on the way to Methil, and go out on the bike later in the afternoon .... when the air is warmer.   Right now it's breakfast time.  

15.15   It has been a cracker o' a day;  and especially welcome after the horrid wet few days we've had.   I went to Methil to torment Alice;  we did  wee bit o' shopping (Eddy's in Buckhaven) then went to the former Buckhaven Harbour site for a daunder.   It was great being out in warm sunshine.    I'm going to have a cuppa then get the bike out and have a run up to Chapel Green.

21.00   It has been a lovely, enjoyable day.... but I never got the bike out;  I fell sound asleep and  never got going again.   Another good sleep tonight and I should be, more or less, back to normal.  I've had a look at the weather forecast and.... Fife (and most of the East of Scotland), has a Yellow warning for 'ice' tomorrow morning!   There is a clear sky and not much of a breeze, so we could have the first frost of this winter.... even in Elie and The Royal Burgh.... though the forecast only has us down to 2C.   I think I'll go back to sleep.

West Wemyss from Buckhaven harbour.

I enjoyed  my trip to Methil to visit Alice;  we're both recovering from a 'bug';  it's like a cold/flu and  has knocked us for six.... so had a quiet day.  I sleep most afternoons but lately have been 'dropping off'  at any time.  Michael and Janice have the 'bug' (Sussex) so it's most like the first of the country wide winter bugs.  Alice and I reckon we got it in one of the supermarkets; like most winter bugs it's easier to catch then it is to shake off. 

There's 'no plan' for tomorrow;  the weather forecast is good but the wind is back to the East again, and the East is not my favourite wind direction.   However I intend going out on the bike once the air is warmer;  just before morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning coffee..... got to keep the legs going.

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