Cold (4C) .....

14th October 2023 (Saturday)    08.15 ....I'll have to bring the garden thermometer into Ivy;  it's

4C out there....and feels colder.   It's a lovely morning and will get warmer, but it's always going to feel cool on the lugs.  I'll visit Alice in the morning and go out on the bike later in the afternoon.... maybe. I haven't been anywhere this morrrrrrning;  I'll have breakfast then go for the paper.

09.30    The paper has been uplifted .... and milk for the Cornflakes, so that's me for the weekend.  I met Dave outside the 'Paper Shop';  I forgot tell him that 'M' in New Zealand was asking for Joyce.   As far as I could see all is good around the villages, with loads o'  (well wrapped up) folk wandering about.  It's a good day to be out.   

19.30    I always enjoy my 'Alice Time';  she is always cheerful, and doing things for other people.  We had a braw morning sorting out the world, drinking tea and scoffing Alice's homemade soup.   A pleasant few hours.   Unfortunately I had a migraine (weather) and came home  to take a couple o' pills and have a kip.  As is normal with my migraines, I'll go to bed early tonight and be playful tomorrow.

20.45     I had a short wander up to the 17th green at sunset time;  we had a bonnie sky but it was cold so I didn't stay out long.   I've been watching 'Strictly' ... but for some reason it has lost it's magic.  I'll make the bedtime chocolate, take a couple o' pills and have an early night.
It's going to be another bonnie but cold day tomorrow;  I might have a turn round the villages on the bike if it isn't too windy.

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