Bright and breezy (so is the weather)....

3rd October 2023 (Tuesday)     08.30.... It’s a bright and breezy morning;

 with the wind chill it feels a wee bit cooler, but it’s a bonnie morning, and rain isn’t mentioned in the weather forecast.  Like the weather I’m feeling bright and breezy, but it’s maybe too breezy for me going out on the bike.’s breakfast time so I’ll make my mind up about the bike later.   

11.30   The morning mission has been completed... well not quite;  I forgot the paper.  At least I remembered to hand in the prescription.   I went down to the harbour;  it was quiet down there and everything where it should be; apart from the seaweed, which we don’t want in the harbour.   When I think about it ‘Crane Out’ must be coming up soon;  that’s a real sign that Autumn is here.... and winter not that far off.   Back at Ivy I topped up the car ‘squirters’... then put the kettle on.   

20.00   I went to Methil to have afternoon tea with Alice:  I’d been doing the insurance for the car and for some reason it activates on the 17th October.... I must have hit the wrong button, and changing that complicates everything.   So I went to Methil to unwind.... and enjoy afternoon tea and cake.  I might try to redo the insurance tomorrow.  Would you believe it....  I am in ‘flap on’ mode. I’ll put the kettle on.

Apart from the debacle with the car insurance I have had a busy, and enjoyable, day.  I noticed that the lassie in the Chemist shop was wearing a face mask this morning;  the latest COVID is doing the rounds of the villages, so I will start using face masks again.   I get my booster on the 9th November at the Randolph Wemyss. 

I was watching the weather forecast at lunch time and, if the weather turns out as Carol

Waning super moon!

says it will, we are in for some damp spells over the next few days.  At least I should be able to sort out the insurance if nothing else.   And get some drawing done!


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