Breezy and damp ....

 29th October 2023 (Sunday)    09.00 ....he sky is not interesting this morrrrrrning, because we

have a boring, 'wall to wall grey' sky;  not a sky that I can get myself into a state o' excitement about.   I don't like 'boring'.    Having said all that it (the sky) could become 'not boring',... in fact it could become an  'interesting sky' because the weather forecast is 'strong winds and thundery showers'.   There's a Yellow waring for rain... and a flood warning, both include Fife.  I'm beginning to get excited.   Calming cuppa required.

15.30   I remembered to change the clocks this morrrrrrrrrrning and on the same time as everyone else; I have been known to work on 'Ivy Cottage' time for a few days!   

It has been a good day for working with the pens, pencils.... and the kettle.  I did contemplate going to the beach but there was rain blowing in the wind so I only got as far as the gate.  In fact I was outside the gate  at one point ....then the wind hit me.   The hatches have been battened down and I settled for the evening.   Tomorrow is going to be a brighter day.

I'm surprised at the way the Israeli's are going about neutralising Hamas:  I can understand why they are doing it after the evil of October 7th;  it's the apparently 'collective' punishing of all Palestinians that I don't understand.   Having suffered the evil's of Nazism, (the Holocaust), I would have expected the Jewish Nation to be one of the few Nations on the planet to understand how it feels to be helpless, forgotten and moved around like a flock o' sheep..  Sadly, there's a awfie lot o' Palestinian civilians, including bairns, who are helpless,

forgotten, and being treated like a flock o' sheep in Gaza, and that should not be.   There's no doubt about it Israeli's and Palestinians should be able to (and could) live side by side in peace: but it's going to take a few brave, and clever politicians, to come up with the answer to that particular problem.  The Foreign Minister of Jordan should be one of those politicians.    

22.30   Having seen the weather forecast for tomorrow I'm thinking of doing  a washing;  there's just a chance that it might be a reasonable 'drying day'.   The plan is to visit Alice and do some shopping.

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