Feeling playful....

26th October 2023 (Thursday)    08.30 .... we have a damp, overcast start to Thursday;  it' s not

raining just now, but the weather forecast is 'heavy rain with a moderate Easterly breeze'.   The early part of the morning looks like being the best part of today, as far as the weather goes, and it ain't that bonnie.   This is annoying, because I'm feeling reasonably frisky and was looking forward to going out on the bike;  however, it's a good day to be going out for lunch.    It started to rain when I was out giving 'Blob' his breakfast (McVities Digestive bicci crumbs) and it looks like it could be on for the day.   I was hoping for a few sunny spells before the rain.

12.15   The sky lightened up for a wee while so I got the bike out, but only went as far as Chapel Green because the bike battery was low (it's on charge now).   There was a lot of folk a taking advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining but you had the feeling that the rain was never far away.

18.00    Lunch at the 19th was excellent; good company, good food and good conversation.  Really enjoyed our lunch.   The rain that was 'never far away' had arrived by the time we left the19th.... and it was heavy.  I'd have run down to Ivy but runnin' is beyond me now; so I hirpled rapidly!   (Big change from cross country running).  Back at Ivy I made a cuppa, switched on the tele to catch up with the News; and promptly fell sound asleep for over an hour.   My mug o' tea was cold;  this called for real action so I warmed it up in the microwave.... but that didn't taste right.   I made a fresh one.   By this time I was nearly in 'full alert' mode and thought I'd deliver Christine's parcel. Unfortunately the rain was lashin' doon; I abandoned that plan.   However, on my way out I found a Selkirk Bannock sitting on the carrier bag of my bike;  and I love Selkirk bannocks!   I immediately thought Donald (from the Borders) had been up this way, but it turned out that Claire, Alistair and 'The Troops' had been in the most important shop in St Andrews, Fisher and Donaldson, and remembered that I love Selkirk Bannocks.  One slice o' a 'SB' =

one of your 'five a day'.... because of the amount of fruit in it.  So I had five slices and that took care of today's '5 a day'.  No I didn't.... but I did enjoy two slices!   "Thank You" Alistair, Claire and Troops;  you have a (plump) content neighbour in Ivy Cottage.

Kirsty is watching a recording of this years Ryder Cup;  (there are TV screens at both ends of the Bar).

21.00    Oh dear;  I've just seen the weather forecast for the next few days..... another series of days with a 'good chance precipitation'.   There's actually a Yellow Warning, for rain, that covers the same area as various coloured warnings did last week (the East of Scotland). And I have a fully charged battery on the bike, but it looks like it could be Sunday before I get the chance to use it.


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