Bonnie morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning .....

15th October 2023 (Sunday)    09.00.... It's a lovely, fresh morrrrrrrrrrrrning....but there's a cold,

wintry feeling, North Westerly breeze.   I've only been out as far as the gate, but might venture further once the temperature rises;  it's 4C just now, but it feels lower because of the breeze.  I might wrap up and get the bike out later.

16.15    Earlsferry was busy with people out walking, when I went up to Chapel Green, on the bike, in the afternoon; it was a bright and breezy afternoon; it was a good day for being out and about, but it was cold when exposed to the wind.   Up at Chapel green you can always find a seat that is sheltered, from the wind.   

20.30   As you know I have been researching Kinneuchar kirk for my project; the following poem is from 'Annals of Colinsburgh' by Robert Dick.... the Minister of Colinsburgh Kirk in 1896.  In the mid 1800's many Scots emigrated  to Australia, New Zealand and the USA... including a considerable number from Colinsburgh.

"Bonnie Colinsburgh"

Fare ye weel to Colinsburgh
That canty wee bit toon;
Ye wadna find the marrow o't,
In a' the country roon.
For the lads are a' sae hearty,
And the lassies aye sae braw,
and we'll often think upon them
When we're far, far awa'.

I've wandered up Balcarres Den,
and roond aboot the tower,
And doon and roond Kinneuchar loch,
When the nicht begins tae lour.
I've climbed the sunny sides 
O' bonnie Largo Law;
And I'll often think upon them,
When I'm far, far awa'.

I've wandered roond Balcaskie Hoose, 
and up by Comilaw;
And roond aboot by Gillingshill
When the nicht began tae fa'
I've wandered up by Easter Kellie,
and roond the Kellie Law;
And I'll often think upon them,
When I'm far, far awa'.

I've daundered roond by Gibliston Hoose,
And up by Clockhert Ha';
And roond aboot the Cat's Craig wood,
when my freends were far awa'.
But fare ye weel to Colinsburgh,
It's lads and lassies and a',
And I'll often think upon them,
When I'm far, far awa'.
That poem was written 150 years ago by an unknown composer.   When I first read it I thought "jings I've

been at all those places"... even Clockhert Ha'... of which there is just a single gable wall standing, and the bottom of the walls of what was a fairly substantial croft building.  Clockhert Ha' is on the 'Old Coal road between Lathallan coal field and St Monans harbour.
Tomorrow is going to be another sunny and cool day, so I'll be lying low in Ivy mostly.

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