Warm and sunny .....

6th June 2021 (Sunday)  77th Anniversary of D-Day     

08.30 .... it’s a stunner of a morning;  sunny and warm with a light breeze from the

Barnyards cottage.

West.... a perfect day for the bike.    I have been to ‘The Store’ (Ainster) to do some shopping, it was busy considering the time of day (07.15);  usually I see someone I know, but no this morrrrrning ....the only person I recognised was the lassie at the checkout.   I’m ‘in love’ with her!

The ‘plan’ for today is to get out on the bike, and be back at Ivy before it’s too hot;   I must remember sun cream, because UV levels are high just now.  

20.30   My word this has been a beautiful day;  warm and sunny all the way though, though there was a cooling breeze.   I decided to go for ‘greenness’ with the camera today.... the countryside is looking absolutely gorgeous.   This is the  time of year when I think the countryside looks it’s best with all the fresh greens.... including the roadside verges.

Balcarres Estate.

The only thing I did wrong was doing the shopping first;  I didn’t get out on the bike until 09.30, by which time the roads were beginning to become busy.   The only problem with traffic was the ‘boy racers’ on their way Crail to play on the play runways, and using the Colinsburgh Straight for a warm up.   The noise spoiled the peacefulness, so I change my original ‘plan’, which was to go along the Colinsburgh Straight, up through Arncroach and then onto Balcarres Estate photographing the ‘greenness’ on the way.   Instead of going along the Colinsburgh Straight, I went up the St Andrews road from Robin Gray’s Cottage, and into Balcarres by the Balmakin road entrance.   Once onto the Estate it was fantastic, with ‘greenness’ all around, and the gorgeous scent of Wild Garlic all the way down the Den.   It was very relaxing;  but I could occasionally hear a boy racer ‘flooring it’ along the Straight.   

Myra invited Kirsty Geoff and I up for coffee in the afternoon;   David (Myra and Jim's

Balcarres Den burn.

son) and Laura were there so we had a pleasant chin-wag.... with cake and coffee;  but, although we have had coffee with Myra many times, it felt ‘different’ with no Jim there this time;  but we had a very enjoyable afternoon nonetheless.   I must tidy up my seating arrangements for the summer.

This has been an enjoyable day and I am a tired boy.   It will be an early night in bed for me.    The weather forecast is good for tomorrow, though perhaps not quite as good as it was today;  cloudier with a light wind from the East.   I shall stay ‘local’ tomorrow and make it a ‘rest’ day.

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