Summer Solstice ....

21st June 2021 (Monday)      08.00 .... Summer Solstice.  

 At 03.30 I had a look to see if I was going to see the sunrise, but the sky was overcast, with

the threat of rain so I had a cuppa, then went back to bed.   Anyway, today is the longest day of the year, with 17 hours, 36 minutes and 34 seconds of daylight;  the sun rose at (Edinburgh) 04.26 and sets at 22.03.   After today, the nights begin to draw in and it’s all downhill to the lovely cool days of winter:  However, we have our ‘summer’ to come, which usually begins now; when we should look forward to a warm/hot July, August and September.   Bring ‘em on.   At the moment we have an overcast sky, a light breeze from the East with occasional light rain.... though the sun will break through and we’ll have a bonnie day:   However, tomorrow (Tuesday), is going to be the really good day this week.   Hmmmm.... I’m thinkin’ that another cuppa is needed.

10.00    The sun broke through at 09.15 and we now have a lovely morning.   I had the urge to go to the beach this morning.... and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll along the water’s edge (the tide is coming in (HT 12.03).  The beach was quiet, with only a couple of dogs taking their owners for their morning exercise. 

21.00    Well the ‘longest day’ has been a bonnie one;   having said that, the temperature could drop low enough in some of the highland glens tonight, to give a ground frost;   could we be in for an early winter?.... or is it the end of the last one?.... hopefully the latter.

I’ve been a busy boy in the garden.... and in the ‘ouse.  In the garden I uprooted some weeds;  inside ‘ousework consisted of washing the bathroom, kitchen and lobby floors.   The floors were a dawdle today;  I bought a new mop at Neil’s.

It’s a bonnie evening;  and I’m wondering if I should have daunder to the beach to end what has been a pleasant and fulfilling day.   The forecast is good for tomorrow so I will do some more ‘work’ around Ivy.   The ‘plan’ is to go out early (on the bike) then potter around the garden.

22.30    The day ended with a lovely, balmy, evening .... and I enjoyed a quiet walk on the

beach;  as did a number of other folk.   It is now ‘chocolate time’; then orf to bed to read a few pages of my book.


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