Bright and breezy ....

12th June 2021 (Saturday)      07.30 .... We have a bright and breezy morning,

and it will be warm, though there will be wind chill because of the fresh westerly breeze.    I intend going for the paper in the middle of the morning;  the original intention being to go to St Monans for a run (on the bike);   then I remembered that this is Saturday and that the roads will be busy, so that ‘plan’ has been put back on the shelf.

21.00   As ‘planned I went for the paper in the middle of the morning;  via Kinneuchar, where I wanted to take a couple of photos from specific places (then and now), but will have to go back tomorrow mid morning (it has to be at that time for the light to be similar to the ‘old’ photos), because I now know exactly where the original photos were taken from (or near enough exactly).    I came home by way of Elie Estate, where I met George, who has the best display of rhododendrons in the locality, and they are dazzling;  I took a few photos.   George has the kind of garden I like.... secluded corners with birds in every bush.  

I stopped in Elie to go to the Chemist and ‘paper shop’;  and missed Myra who was arriving at the shops just as I was leaving.  

George's rhododendrons.

George told me that Mike’s (Khryschuk) wife, Sandra had died,   Sandra, was an amazing lady, always cheerful in spite of her ‘nae weelness’.... one of the happiest of ‘girls’:  she will be sadly missed by all who knew her, and my thoughts are with Mike and family at this sad time.

I was feeling slightly downcast today so I thought.... “Alberto my boy .... do something”:   I have cleaned out the cutlery drawers (3 of them), washing all the items in them, some of the stuff I don’t even know what it’s for, but Maggie would have a use for everything,... so it is back in its place .... clean.    I did dump some old stuff;   so the innards of the cutlery drawers are things of beauty now.   And .... I am no longer downcast.

The ‘Master Plan’ for tomorrow? .... go to Kinneuchar to get the photos I need, and pick

up the paper on the way home.    I think the roads should be quieter tomorrow;   Ferry Road has been busy most of the day, with, I assume, a new set holiday makers arriving, for a break at the Centre of the Universe.

It’s chocolate time.

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