Feeling bright and breezy ....

16th June 2021 (Wednesday)      08.00 .... There was some ‘Scotch Mist’ falling

when I went for the papers, but it didn’t last long....  and the sky is beginning to clear in the West;   so, we should have a brighter afternoon.    I’m going to ‘work’ this morning then go out on the bike in the afternoon.    There’s a brisk breeze but it’s comfortably warm;  not the temperatures they are having to endure in ‘Sunny Sussex’ and other places down south.

15.30    I have been a reasonably busy boy, having done a miniscule amount of weeding .... then did a woollen wash, after I decided that the sun was going give us a lovely late afternoon/ evening.... with a soft drying breeze.   I am now going to have an afternoon coffee, in the Hutte .... and do a Soduko.   The ‘plan’ is to go out on the bike when the roads quieten down.

21.30    I enjoyed a late afternoon/early evening run on the bike.... because the roads were quieter;  and for a change of ‘light’.   There was only a gentle breeze so it was comfortably warm.   I only went round the villages, then up to Kinneuchar via the Estate road;  the streets were very quiet, with most of the cars moored up for the night.   I didn’t venture down to the harbour though road didn’t look too busy:  it’s only at the weekends that problems arise....when  The Toft (the street that leads to and from the harbour) usually ends up in a state of chaos.  It should provide a bit of entertainment for onlookers .... the folk trying to get into or out of, the harbour Car Park won’t find it entertaining) in the holiday season;   unless something is done to alleviate the problem before then.    Actually, if the East Neuk is going to become a popular holiday destination, Fife Council will have to do something about parking.... for Visitors, and Residents of the villages, in the main holiday season. 

Tomorrow afternoon we have Jim’s funeral, when we will celebrate the life of a very

popular ‘Boy’, husband, father and friend.... friend too many, I may add.   Jim was an especial friend to me:  we recorded churches around Fife, went out with the cameras to photograph butterflies... we knew the special places where specific butterflies would be at ‘their time’, usually accompanied by ‘SD’ (Sooper Dog);  and we walked Balcarres with Myra and ‘SD’.   Yes, there will be a lot of happy memories around when we celebrate Jim’s life tomorrow.


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