Cloudier but nice ....

7th June 2021 (Monday)    09.30 .... There’s bit more cloud around and the wind

is off the Easterly direction, but it is a nice morning and looks like being a nice day.... though slightly cooler.

I thought it was time I had a walk along the beach, so I donned the wellies and did just that;  it was very pleasant.   I met and spoke to a couple of folk, took a few photos.... then thought of ‘food’.    I ambled home and have had breakfast, so I’m now nearly ready to go for a wee run around on the bike.   After a cuppa.

17.30   I decided to go to the top of Kincraig cliffs for a change of scene, though t wasn’t really the best kind of day, nor time of day, for taking photos, being slightly hazy;  however that’s where I went.    I was chased by a dog for a bit but it didn’t attempt to bite my ankle;  apart from that I enjoyed a pleasant run out on the bike.

On reaching the top I moored parked the bike and had look at the view;   the first thing I noticed was that there was a lot of people on the Coastal path;  the second was a Raven (Corvus Corax) perched on the edge of the cliff.    I assume this was the male and that the female was sitting, on eggs, nearby.   I suppose you could say that the Raven is one of the few success stories of the bird world;  having spread from the North and West of


Scotland to the East.   They are versatile feeders, eating almost anything including rubbish thrown out by humans.   That probably explains why they have extended their range so rapidly in the past few years.    Personally I’d much rather have the Swifts; but it looks like they are birds of the past as far as our villages are concerned.   Anyway I got a photo of one of the Kincraig ravens.... presumably there will be ‘bairn’ Ravens in a wee while.

21.00    It has been a gorgeous day from dawn to dusk, and I have enjoyed it.   It got a bit hot in ‘ The Hutte’ in the afternoon and I fell asleep.... for an extended cat-nap.   Biking to the top of the cliffs is fairly hard, especially the last 50 metres.    Actually I have to push the bike for the last 30 metres;  it’s grassy path and the battery just can’t cope with it.    It’s well worth the effort though.

I’m having a visit from a former workmate tomorrow;  Isobel (daughter) is bringing

‘Mex and Alice’, formerly of Colinsburgh along for a cuppa.   I’m looking forward to catching up with their news.... it must be 10 years since I last saw them.

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