Cold Northeast wind .....

25th June 2021 (Friday)    08.00 .... it’s certainly not hot and humid this

'Flying Scotsman' approaching Kinghorn Station.

morrrrrning;   it’s winter jacket temperatures with showers coming in on a blustery wind from the Northeast.    I am thinking of going to Pettycur Harbour;  its not the perfect morning for going to a harbour, but the sky is interesting and I fancy a longer run in the car;   on the plus side.... it isn’t going to be too hot for driving. 

15.00     Pettycur Harbour was just what I expected, and definitely a big step back towards my ‘old normal’.   Today was the first time I have been at Pettycur since before Christmas 2019.   Normally I have the harbour car park to myself, but not so today;  half a dozen cars turned up and the occupants went onto the beach to walk their dogs:  the tide was out and it’s a huge beach.   Unfortunately the sun only broke through now and again, to ‘light up’ up patches of the scene;  which made it interesting, but I would have preferred more light about today for

Pettycur harbour pier.

the Flying Scotsman:  The ‘Flying Scotsman’ is doing tours from Edinburgh today so I hoped to get some reasonable photographs from the pier.   I knew you could see the pier from the train, but didn’t know how the train would look from the pier.    I am happy with the results;  but they would have benefitted from being sunlit.    There’s always action on the water near the bridges so I will be back there fairly soon.

22.00    I’ve enjoyed myself today but my word it has been cold for this time of the year.... and tomorrow isn’t going to be much warmer.   Iain is coming down tomorrow morning (for the weekend) and we are going to be sorting out the trains (N gauge).... so the weather won’t bother us very much.    If Iain hadn’t phoned last night to tell me that the ‘Flying Scotsman’ would be in Fife today, I would probably have missed ‘her’.   (The crews always referred to the engines as “her”/”old girl” etc..... regardless of the name on the engine).

I’m tired after an exciting day and will end the day with my mug o’ chocolate, and

Bound for Braefoot Terminal.

browse the photographs I got at Pettycur;  I took a few, a lot of browsing to do.     

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