Windy and cool ...

6th September 2019 (Friday)     08.00 ....  I have only been as far as the
The beach this afternoon.
front gate this morning, but that was far enough to know that the forecast ...  ‘a cool wind blowing with the chance of light precipitation in the early part of the morning’.... is right.    It’s a bonnie morning but breezy and cool.   It will be a good drying day later .... and be warm in Ivy garden.

The book ..... I finished the book last night/early morning.    It had a queer ending.    A bad guy turned out to be a good guy,  and a good guy turned out to be a bad one;   the father in law of the central character had two wives... the legal wife being a maniac.   There were a lot of dead people.    Interesting and ‘couldn’t put down’ book.... written differently.

Fairweather clouds over Elie.
I think I’ll have a quiet day,.... spend some time doing ‘ousework (not much),  some sorting out photographs and doing Soduko’s (a lot);  with time out for a trip up to Elie for the paper;  and morning coffee in Harbour House.  Yes a restful day is ‘the plan’. 

19.30    It has been a lovely afternoon, and I spent a lot of it on seats down on the Ferry bents.... being restful as per plan.   I nearly fell asleep watching folks strolling along the beach;  it, the beach, was busy for this time of year.    It was warm in the sun, but it was much cooler when the sun was behind a cloud:  we’ve had fair weather clouds scuttling over all afternoon.  Marcia came out with the dogs so I chatted to Marcia for a wee while.... mostly about Brexit.    Most people are worried about what is going to happen after we actually exit the EU.... which I have no
Fairweather clouds over Earlsferry.
doubt we will do eventually.   Our ‘new’ Prime Minister is adding to the worries by his conduct.   Bring back Theresa.

I suppose you could say that I’ve had a lazy day.... and I have.    Morning coffee was exciting;  Myra brought Mike and Brigit along, and Lynn was also there, so we had a big crowd, and there much happiness all round.   Apart from morning coffee, and reading the paper that I bought, I haven’t really done very much.    I did exercise my brain with a few Soduko’s.   Tomorrow I will have to be... be slightly more active:  ‘M’ is coming to stay on Monday.   This means I need to ‘oover and dust.

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