Calm but overcast ....

18th September 2019 (Wednesday)     06.30 .....  the sky is heavily
overcast  and there’s hardly any wind so it is calm;  n there is the chance of some early light rain,  but the forecast is for it to be cloudy most of the day though it should brighten up in the afternoon.

16.00    ‘M’ and I went to Harbour House for morning coffee with Myra and Geoff... where ‘M’ and I caught up with all the latest news.  There wasn’t much in the way of ‘news’ .... if there was I’ve forgotten it.   ‘SD’ (Sooper Dawg)  was ‘put to sleep’ a week ago;  he had various problems that were beginning to have an effect on his quality of life... he was 14 years old.    He was a canny and biddable dog and will be missed.

‘M’s case is packed and she is now ready to join her sisters, at various residences in the East Neuk, for the final two weeks of her holiday.    Colin and Sue (son and partner) should be onsite at St Monans this evening and for the next couple of weeks until ‘M’ sets off home.

20.30     I didn’t realise just how much companionship means until I delivered ‘M’ to her Crail sister (and husband) at 17.35 .... I’m missing her already.    It was good having ‘M’ pottering around this old ‘ouse:  being there to talk to.    Oh well I suppose I’ll have to get used to having cuppas on my own again.... and ‘M’ is really over here to visit her family after all; my having her stay for 9 days was a bonus.... and handy for a spot of modelling.   I’m a lucky bunny. 

Working on the computer doesn’t seem an exciting option but I’ll have to get used to that again:  I’m updating the Elie and The Royal Burgh of Earlsferry page on The Hutte;  it has to be brought up to date with the latest shenanigans.   That job will take a few weeks.

I have no ‘plan’ for tomorrow.... apart from going for morning coffee.   I think I’ll take
things easy.... perhaps do some research etc.   I have to go to the Bank on Friday so I’ll visit ‘Jimbo’ then.... and get any shopping I might need.
The forecast is ‘good’ for our area tomorrow;   I might go round the villages on the bike first thing in the morning;  I haven’t done that for a while.

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