Autumnal Equinox ....

23rd September 2019 (Monday - Autumnal Equinox)     07.00 .... It is
Our pristine beach on a foggy morning.
the kind of morning that, if I wasn’t on a ‘not eating things with chocolate on them’ diet, I’d be eating chocolate biscuits!   We have a dull and damp beginning to the day....    funny how fruit doesn’t having the soothing effect of chocolate on dull days.
 I have only been as far as the front gate;  that’s where the urge to go to the beach left me.  

07.45    No matter what the weather (apart from rain) I cannot resist the urge to go to the beach:  yes I  did go.   There's thick fog so I don't know if I had the beach to myself or not... but the bit I could see was empty;  apart from me and a lone Curlew piping somewhere in the fog.   It's actually a nice morning;  nae wind and warm.

14.30     I had planned to visit 'Jimbo' this afternoon but the Leven road is ‘Closed’ at Lundin Links:   a tractor has overturned at the bottom of the Lundin Links brae.    I’m going to Leven on Wednesday morning anyway so I’ll visit Jim then.   There will be diversions in operation but a narrow country road will be part of the diversion, and
Elie harbour at 11.00.
therefore tricky if you meet something big on it.   I’ll have a cuppa and visit ‘The Boss’ instead.

Geoff and I had two ‘Leaders’ for company at this morning’s coffee break;  Kirsty and Jackie joined us after their pilates class.   If Myra reads this she will know that ‘her boys’ are in safe hands.

With the weather being so quiet I have been out on the bike twice so far:  the first timer for ‘morning coffee’ at ‘arbour ‘ouse, the second to do the ‘Grand Tour’.   It’s been a day for ‘reflection’ photographs.    I am a happy ‘boy’.   Orf to have that cuppa.

17.30    My goodness .... we have had a gorgeous afternoon;  warm and sunny.   I spent an hour at Chapel Green being lazy .... er planning stuff.   The ‘Green’ was busy with other folk doing the same as I was.... enjoying the sunshine, admiring the scenery and ‘falling apart’.    From there I biked up to the ‘Pony Field’ and admired the scenery from a different angle.   It all looked good with everything more or less where it should be.

19.30   Well it has been a lovely day;  more of the same tomorrow would be good,
Links Road - Earlsferry.
regrettably that might not be the case.... KY9 is forecast to have ‘light rain/showers with a moderate breeze’.   If we only get showers we might have ‘sunny spells’ too!    I have an appointment at St Andrews tomorrow afternoon and I was looking forward to going down to St Andrews harbour.   Never mind St Andrews is not going anywhere.

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