Overcast sky ...

3rd September 2019 (Tuesday)     08.00 .... We have a heavily overcast
Earlsferry - from Elie Harbour.
sky and, though not raining it looks like rain isn’t far away.    I haven’t been further than the front gate so far, but I am feeling brighter ....and, having slept for nine hours, I’m in the mood to do things.   Ohhhh ...typing the word ‘mood’ made me think of ‘food’;  I need a calorie intake... and another cuppa before I do anything.  


18.00    There was a big turnout for morning coffee in Harbour House, and lots of happy chat, that set me up for the remainder of the day;  and in a mood for work.    The writing is finished.... all I have to do is give the sign a coat of varnish tomorrow morrrrrrning first thing.   I’m using yacht varnish (from sailing days) and it take a few weeks .... oops hours to harden.   By the time the writing was done it was lunch time.... and I was hungry.   
Pleasant morning for a walk obn the beach.
Being hungry is good ‘cos I’ve been off my food for a couple of days.  Eating because it’s what I do at certain times of the day.... but not enjoying the food.     That has changed ...... I am starving today.

I went to Leven in the afternoon to visit Jim.... and do a wee shopping.    Jim was in good form today.  He had an album full of photographs, many of them taken since he went onto the Care Home.    He really was interest in this... and from there we talked about the kirks we photographed, and the runs we had to Birnie Loch ... and other places.... to photograph butterflies etc.  Jim was in a chatty mood and  I’d timed my visit perfectly today for afternoon coffee so I was there for an hour.   At one point one of the other residents took Jim’s photo album and was about to tear pages out of it so I rescued the album and took it along to Jim’s room on my way out.    That was another thing;  when I said I’d do that Jim said “it’s not very safe there either!    Oh ... they
Bonnie - even on a dull morning.
make a good mug of coffee at Leven Beach.

21.00    There was some red in the sky at sunset; this means tomorrow’s weather should be better.    I have no plan for tomorrow;  it all depends on what kind of weather we have.   It might be a good day to browse our kirk recording photos... and plan an album to produce for Jim.

I’ve had a busy, and satisfying day;  I actually feel tired, though I haven’t done much physical stuff.   Hopefully I’ll get round the villages on the bike tomorrow.

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