Royal Burgh guided walks ...

1st September 2019 (Sunday)     09.00    Our KY9 weather is ‘bright and
Graham leading the first guided walk of Earlsferry this morning.
breezy’ and I am feeling much the same myself this morning.   I’ll get the bike out after this update and scuttle up to Chapel Green.... light showers are forecast for our area but mostly after midday.   The wind is from the southwest mostly and freshening so the air is cool, but a nice day for joining one of the History Society Guided walks round ‘The Royal Burgh’.

11.00    I’ve been down as far as the Toon Hall to see the first of the guided walks set off at 10.00, led by Graham (Johnston).    All the walks will be led by ‘Graham’, but, just in case you are thinking that ‘Graham’ will be a tired boy by the end of the day;  there are two of them;  Graham Johnston and Graham Meacher.

16.30    The Earlsferry walks have been popular, and the “Graham’s” will be tired
Earlsferry guided tour group.
‘boys’ tonight.   Having said that the three ‘walks’ I took photographs of were taken by Graham ‘J’...  Graham ‘M’ must have out every time I was down there.   Apparently the timings were ‘adaptable’ and they ended up with more ‘walks’ at different timings.    Popular place is the “ancient beyond memory of man” Royal Burgh (as mentioned by King James VI when granting the ‘Royal Burgh’  Royal Burgh Status in 1589).   This was the second time it had been ‘raised’ to Royal Burgh status.... the first Charter (thought to have been granted in the 12th century by King David II) having been lost in a fire in Edinburgh.... along with the Charters of many of the other ancient Royal Burgh's.

20.00   James Braid the golfer (Five times Open Champion).   James Braid was born in a cottage in Liberty, why this should be so I’m not sure, but, as Graham (J) mentioned today, it could be that the midwife lived there.  At that time James Braids’ parents were living in a cottar house on Grange Farm, where his Dad was a ploughman.   His ‘Dad’, married Mary Harris (his second wife.... and James Jnr
Irene, Graham and Andrew - Elie and Earlsferry History Society.
mother) at the Farm in 1866.... they were still there in 1881... when James Jr was 11 years old.   I have still to find out who James Snr’s first wife was.    I meant to ask one of the Graham’s today but it slipped my mind.

I took the bike up to Chapel Green in the afternoon... it was pleasant sitting on The Boss’s Seat.... until ‘she’ (The Boss)  reminded me that I had work to do.   I went back home and did ‘the work’.   The wee sign is ready to ‘write’ and I am going to do that tomorrow.

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