Spring tide ....

2nd September 2019 (Monday)    07.30 ..... There’s a frisky Northwest
Pre sunrise sky over Elie Bay .... and a migrating tern.
breeze bringing a feel of autumn in the air this morning.... at least there was down on the beach;  however it should feel warmer when the sun gets going,.... if it can burn off the clouds.    I had the beach to myself;  actually that’s not true;   a batch of migrating terns were feeding along the edge of the tide, and terns are vocal birds .... in a happy way.    Normally I wouldn’t bother going to the beach at sunrise when the tide is in.... unless it’s flat calm.   It’s a spring tide just now (6.1) so the time to be down there is at low tide (11.00 ish) looking for lobsters in the 'top secret' lobster holes... or .... out on the rarely seen sandbanks.   I’m orf to have breakfast.... and a much needed cuppa.


10.00    ‘Light rain and fresh breeze’ is the forecast.... and that is what we have.   The rain should fade away laterrnoon and we could have ‘sunny spells’ .... and end with a lovely evening.   I need morrrrrning coffee.... and a paper.

19.30   I’ve done it!.... the wee bit signwriting has been done.... and I’m happy with how it has turned out   The letters need another coat then the whole sign a final coat of varnish but it’s a dawdle now.    I was apprehensive... almost feart to dip the ‘writing pencil’, in the paint:  I’d nearly convinced myself that,....  being ‘not so young’,....  that the paint would be all over the place;  but it isn’t and I’m well pleased .... surprised even.   
I enjoyed morning coffee with the ‘pilates Girls’ this morning;  the pilates girls are always especially sylph like, after their exercise.... this makes me feel ... er ... not sylph like.    We talked about lots of things.... including dachshunds:  this was a different subject.   Jacquie (oh yes there was a new pilates girl) was telling us that dachshunds
Earlsferry at sunrise.
are taken birds of prey in the USA.   After a happy 'morning coffee' time we went our merry and separate ways;   I went to the ‘paper shop’ for the paper.... and a Pritt stick!    Yep Ian has Pritt sticks.  Everything, useful, ever known to mankind, is in the ‘paper shop’.   I went back home a contented and happy bunny.

We’ve had a mix of weather today.... the one constant being the wind.    In fact it looks we’re in for a spell of mixed up weather for the next few days.   I suppose it is autumn... and coming up to the equinoctial gale time.
Apart from finishing the sign, and having morning coffee I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow .... the weather is the deciding factor as to what I’ll do.   I’ve been feeling ‘under the weather’ most of the afternoon, so I’m going to have a lazy evening and go to my bed early.    I was ‘up’ at 05.15 this morning, and haven’t had ‘50’ so it’s probably tiredness.   My eyelids keep falling down.

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