Warm and breezy ...

3rd November 2018 (Saturday) .... 08.30    We had a bonnie, if slightly
Sunrise over Elie Bay.
foreboding, sky
at sunrise;   probably a hint that the rain, that’s mentioned in the weather forecast, is on its way!   We’ve had some rain overnight, but going by the minute puddles, not very much.... and, in spite of a brisk breeze, it isn’t cauld.    My plan is to do stuff on the computer today.... but there is one outside job I have to do .... feed ‘Blob’ and Co.

11.00     The Ferry Town hall Coffee Morning was buzzin’ this morning;   and I bought ‘lunch’, goodies (including three shortbread snowmen) and books .... all vital ingredients for a contented auld age!     It was good to see all the coffee/tea tables seats occupied;   I skipped the coffee and went up to Ivy to make myself a flat white.    The ‘Flat White’ comes in ready mixed sachets and is real coffee.... anything is better than the Hutte Finest Blend.    Jock, taking time out from planting his tubs, was escorting Honor round the stalls.   I am now going to eat the head aff a snowman.   Oh .... there’s rain blowing in the wind, a good day for working on the computer.

Elie kirk tower from the East Links.

17.00    The rain never came to anything so I rook stuff to the re-cycling  place at Woodhaven, and set out to walk round the East Links, but it was too windy... and spitting rain.    The Western sky has been threatening rain all afternoon, but the wind appears to be keeping it, the rain, away.     Although blowing a mini hoolie, it isn’t cauld.
The ‘boy’ had a satisfying couple of hours on the computer before deciding to go to Woodhaven:   in fact  I think I could finish the project I’m on tomorrow.    I had thought of going to the kirk tomorrow morning, but my going to the kirk two Sundays in succession wouldn’t be ‘me’;  I’ll do my ‘pagan’ thing ....  work on the computer.

18.30    Tomorrow is going to be a good drying day so this boy will do a washing first
Threatening sky over West Fife.
thing.    For some reason I feel shattered tonight .... early night, in bed with my book, I’m thinkin’.   I don’t know why I’m shattered;  working on the computer isn’t that strenuous.   I suppose I could be straining my brain. ... mind you it wouldn’t take much to do that.    Anyway I’ll have an early night and make tomorrow’s plan in the morning.    I’m off to see what I can find to watch on the tele.

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