Glorious morning ....

15th November 2018 (Thursday) .... 09.00   One of the most  endearing
features about ‘Bonnie Scotland is ... the weather;  it changes almost as fast as I forget things.   Yesterday we had ‘wet and windy’;  today glorious sunshine and calm .    And I had the beach to myself.    It’s definitely a day for doing things.... even if it is slowly. 

20.30    It has been a day for ‘doing things’:  not that I have done very much, though I did fix the Hutte roof.     Water was leaking in through some felt nail holes.   Going up the ladder was a tricky job, luckily it was only five steps.    My knee will be sair tonight .... of that I have no doubt.

Beautiful afternoon.
The political scene in the UK continues to dominate our ‘News’;  which I have been watching, on and off all day.    There is one thing that you can say about Theresa May.    The lady has guts.   She’s been taking stick from all sides today, the worst of it from members of her own party, and she remains undaunted ... well, looks like she’s undaunted;  but she must feel slightly ‘unloved’.    The problem is that before the referendum in 2016 the public didn't get told, in detail, of all the things that would change,  after what has became known as Brexit happened.    We were going to exit the EU, everything was going to be perfect, and we were all going to be happy, .... according to UKIP etc.   Reality is of course quite different.    I don’t think the ‘powers that be’ thought the voters would vote ‘Leave’.    Now they have a mess to sort out.    Still al lot of people will make a lot of money out of this 'mess'.  

I’ve been a busy boy today (in between watching the News).    I did the paper, harbour,
Cloudy evening.
then morning coffee in Harbour House, fixed the Hutte roofing felt, then ate something.    For lunch.... food i.e.... not some random thing that flew into my mouth.
After lunch I did some more light work in the garden... pruned dead flowers etc. then went along to the ‘Drop in Cafe’, where I enjoyed a nice cuppa and a long chat, before going down to the harbour on the way home.

It has been warm today (for the time of year), and, by all accounts it’s goin g to be another warm day tomorrow... in fact more or less a repeat of today’s weather.   I’ll continue with the light ,pottering around in the garden, stuff.

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