Dreich ....

14th November 2018 (Wednesday) .... 07.30    It is definitely a ‘work on
Damp Elie.
the computer’ kind of morning .... windy and wet:   in one word ... “dreich”.    Luckily we have a ray of sunshine on the horizon .... the  Friendship Lunch at 12.30 in the Kirk Hall.   And the rain is forecast to clear away in the afternoon.    Orf to have breakfast.

11.30    That’s better;   I enjoyed morning coffee’ in Harbour House with ‘The Troops’.    Now I’m looking forward to the Friendship Lunch.   (It looks like the ‘plan’ is to eat my way through this damp spell).     There is a clear patch of sky towards the South east ... round about Berwick on Tweed ... which is slowly moving our way.   Should I unearth the sun block?

20.00     Well .... I didn’t have to ‘unearth the sun bloc;  the sky didn’t begin to break up until very late in the afternoon.    Although the weather has been miserable I’ve had an active, and happy day;  even managing to have a walk on the beach after the rain stopped.

Friendship Lunch - Elie Church Hall..
We had a good  attendance  at ‘The Friendship (Soup and Sandwich) Lunch’ which did brighten, and cheer up, our day.    There was a buzz about the Hall which is always a happy sign.    I took the Canon along to have a practice at taking photographs without using flash;  and I’m pleased with how they turned out.

Back at Ivy I put the tele on see the ‘News’ about Brexit.    The UK Cabinet is meeting as I type, and has been for over four hours, to decided if they, the Cabinet, can accept the ‘deal’ that the PM has reached with the EU.   The meeting was supposed to end after 3 hours, but hasn’t, so it must be hard going trying to get agreement.    Frankly I think Brexit is going to be a disaster for the UK.... but it’s what the majority voted for;  so
Late afternoon.
leave we must.    That’s democracy at work.

‘Cloudy with sunny spells’ is the forecast for tomorrow.... at least there isn’t and long spells of rain mentioned.   
The UK Cabinet has agreed to the ‘Deal’ that Theresa May got with the EU;  however there could be ‘cloudy with few sunny spells’ in the days and weeks ahead, in UK politics, until the ‘Deal’ is finally signed off.

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