Bright, breezy and cool ....

4th November 2018 (Sunday) .... 09.00    It’s ‘bright and breezy’ this
Elie lighthouse sunrise.
morning.... and it feels colder;  probably because it’s windier.... and I’ve been at the harbour, where it’s always windy.    I fancied a change of viewpoint  at sunrise time;  however I prefer the wet beach with its reflections.   The sailing club slipway would be good with a flat calm sea.    
I don’t have plan of action for today.... though working on the computer appeals to me this morning.,,, after some exercise on the Wii.    Golf and ten pin bowling.

19.30    This has been an ‘Indian Summer’ kind of day;  warm and sunny ... and a joy to be out in.    I went up to Gillingshill Nature Reserve to see the autumn colours .... the beech trees leaves are looking good, both on the trees and on the ground.    I like the crunching noise that you get when walking through beech leaves.... or any leaves for
Gillingshill Nature Reserve.
that matter.     I met Janette (Janette was a waitress at the Craws Nest) who had walked up from Arncroach where she lives.    She is now working at Balgove, on the outskirts of St Andrews.   Janette hasn’t changed a bit ...still her same cheery self, even as she recovers from major surgery.   Amazing girl.

When I got back to Ivy I had  a quick cuppa then went up to Chapel Green and had a slow wander round to, and up to the top of, Lundar Law.    Lundar Law sounds like a small hill, which it is .... all 30 feet of it!.... and easy, for even me with a stick, to get to the top.   My knee will be sore in bed tonight.    Irene was out for some exercise... as was Anne ... the Ferry folk were taking advantage of the braw afternoon.   And so were a lot of visitors!    I went out in the car about sunset time but cloud on the horizon obscured actual sunset;  I enjoyed the run in the car, but it a waste of fuel re the sunset.
Looking East from the top of Lundar Law.

What am I going to do tomorrow?    I don’t really know;  the weather forecast isn’t bad, but the wind has backed to the Southeast so it will most likely be cloudier.... and not as warm as it was today.   I’ve got stuff to do on the computer so that will keep me occupied.... and warm.

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