Colourful sunrise ....

5th November 2018 (Monday) ... 09.00    My word .... it was magic on
Elie Bay at sunrise ... sunrise was happening behind the low cloud bank.
the beach this morning at sunrise time;   in point of fact most of the ‘magic’ happens before actual sunrise... that’s when the sky colour is at its brightest.   There was much happening in the sky all around me, because we had occasional light Scotch mist which gave us a rainbow in the northern.    Exciting stuff.    There’s a light wind off the East, but nothing much to worry about... in fact it looks like we could have a bonnie day.... though it did bring in the Scotch Mist.     I enjoyed my morning on the beach;  'Puku' is now in need of some food.

10.30   I remembered that ‘Harbour House’ is not open on Monday’s and Tuesday’s just now;  so I’ve used one of my ‘Flat White’ sachets to make myself a morning coffee.    The coffee tastes fine, but there’s nae conversation.    The weather is dour and damp.... so I’m considering going to Kirkcaldy to buy single sheets.   That ‘plan’ is likely to change as I drink and think;   I do have stuff to do on the computer, so the
Early morning rainbow.
shopping might just be ‘on hold’ until tomorrow.   Hey this ‘Flat White’ isnae that bad;  not as good as Laura’s (Harbour House) but passable.

20.00    I’ve had a funny kind o’ day;  mostly working on the computer, with time out to have a turn down to St Monans, and Elie, harbours.   St Monans middle pier was busy with folk working on their boats... boats that are out of the water for the winter.  The Elie boats are on the ‘hard standing’ too, but I didn’t see  anyone working on them;  in fact Elie harbour was very quiet.

The sky has been mostly overcast all day, but with a lot of interesting ‘light’ about, so good for taking photographs.     Which I did.    I thought sunset time might be interesting but that turned out to be a non visible event. 
Tomorrow is forecast to be much the same as today’s was... damp early, and overcast
later, but the wind, still from the East, could freshen in the afternoon.    I’m not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow;   I daresay something will catch my attention.      It all depends on what the weather is like.    I’m away to see what I can find to watch on the tele.

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