Central heating boiler service ....

26th November 2018 (Monday) ....  07.00    At the moment we have a
This morning 10 minutes before sunrise.
breezy and dry morning.... with clouds scampering
over the moon;   it’ s really bonnie.     Sunrise is at 08.10 but once again there is a heavy bank of low cloud on the horizon,  which will (if it stays where it is) hide actual sunrise.    It is a bonnie morning for a walk on the beach.

08.30    I've been to the beach for a short walk;  actually it started to spit rain so I cut the walk short.   The rain didn't come to much but it looks like we're going to get a few light showers over the morning.   It is a nice mornin' for a walk.... but I have the engineer coming, and my knee is playing up badly this morning.  I blame the damp weather.

South end of Park Place - Elie.
11.30    I’ve been out filling the bird feeders and  it is not that warm today;  in fact it’s cauld.    The sky is beginning to cloud over;  and I put on a washing.    The Boiler Engineer hasn’t appeared yet, so I’ve been working on the computer, updating my Chainwalk page for the blog, and playing golf and bowls on the Wii machine.   My putting was disastrous which is why I went onto bowling.

20.00    The boiler engineer got here at 18.15 so I’ve had a fairly busy day on the computer.   That I didn’t mind today as it has been cold with frequent light showers.    I didn’t get out in the afternoon to take any photos so I have uploaded a couple of photos taken (with our first digital camera) 15 years ago.   I have been ‘Wii gowfin’ now and again, but my puttin’ has gone completely off:  just like the real game.

Brexit continues to dominate our ‘News’;  and will do so for the next few years.    The
One of the two banks we had 15 years ago.
next hurdle for the Government is to get it through parliament on the 11th December.    52% of the people that voted in the 2016 referendum voted to leave the EU, so leave we must.  Everyone, and that includes those who didn’t vote, must ‘reap what the 52% sowed”... that’s democracy at work.    Maggie and I have a lot of friends in the EU so I voted ‘Remain’.    It will be interesting to see what happens on the 11th December.

Tomorrow I have to go to the bank in Leven at some point;  are banks open in the afternoon nowadays?   I’ve Googled the bank question and it is open until 17.00.    I’ll have a quiet morning then go to Leven in the afternoon.   The weather for tomorrow is going to be much the same as we had today;  if anything is could feel colder as it’s supposed to be windier.

I’d better go and put all the stuff back in the ‘Boiler Cupboard’;  then have a cuppa before having a game o’ golf? .... no...  I think I’ll try tennis or bowling.    I’ve lost confidence with the putter!

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