Bright, breezy and cool ....

27th November 2018 (Tuesday) ....   08.30   It’s windy and cold, but at
Elie this morning.
least it’s not raining .... yet.    There has been a lot of rain overnight so no dust.... but loads of water all over the place.    I warmed up the car by going down to the harbour;  then cooled myself down by getting out of the car.    It is breezy, and cool down there, but fine in the lee of the granary.... with loads of fresh air around.    It’s a nice morning for being out as long as you’re well wrapped up.

20.00     Welll .... we have one wild evening at the Centre of the Universe;  windy and wet.    Not an evening for going out with the camera to get night shots.   The Ivy hatches have been well battened down;  the kettle is on ‘stand by’ and I’m a happy bunny.  
I’ve been fairly busy today ;  as in doing things.... not playing.    After breakfast I fired up the tele and had a game of golf.... my putting was excellent this morning and I went round in -6:  that’s for nine holes.    I then went up to Elie for the paper, and went to the ‘Deli’ for morning coffee with the ‘Troops’.   The 'Deli' is nice, but I missed Brenda’s and Laura’s, chit chat.  

Elie harbour beach.
At coffee this morning I arranged with Dod to take him to Leven with me this afternoon.    I phoned him at 13.45, but had dialled the wrong number.   I thought “och, I’ll go along by Elie and pick him up”.     I turned the car (it was pointing North) and went bumbling along to Elie at top speed.   There’s a 20 m.p.h. speed limit in the villages so I occasionally hit the speed limit.   By the time I got to the Mackie Housing I was on Planet Albert:    it wasn’t until I was about Upper Largo that I remembered that I’d gone via Elie to pick up George.    ‘Planet Albert’ is a tricky planet to live on.    I did the bank stuff in Leven, and also a wee shopping.

I’ve a funny feeling that tomorrow is the ‘Colinsburgh Lite Lunch’.... so that takes care
Grain drier being worked on at Ardross Farm.
of lunch.    If it isn’t.... lunch won’t be taken care of.    It’s forecast to be warm, wet and windy tomorrow so the ‘plan’ will be;   pick up the papers, have morning coffee in Harbour House, then work on the computer.   The compatible ink that I ordered has been accepted by the printer so I’ll print off a couple of pictures for the ‘Cafe’ on Thursday.   I’m off to have a game of ten pin bowling.

When I read this update I don’t seem to have done very much ‘work’;  mostly I’ve been ‘playing’.   Och well .... I feel contented , .... as if I’d done a lot of useful things.   Being happy is useful I suppose.

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