Overcast with snow showers ....

3rd March 2018 (Saturday) .... 09.00    Oh dear ....I see there’s been enough snow overnight to whiten the shed roof;   in actual fact there’s snow in the wind
Snow clearing operation.
as I type.    This is disappointing.... I’m ready for Spring, and green things.    However I also see that the snow on Ferry road is melting, albeit very slowly, I am happy with this, though not too happy with the slushy wet mess.     Our weather this morning is of the “very grey and dreich” kind;   not a day for going out for a walk.    Thinking about that .... my past few days of walking in the snow caught up with me last night .... I slept for nearly 10 hours.... didn’t ‘wake up’ until 08.30.    I feel brighter .... well I did until I looked out just now, and saw that the snow is now quite heavy;   with any luck it, it won’t last long, and, what has/is fallen melts as it lands on the ground.    It looks like being a computer day.   

Clearing the Ferry High Street.
09.30     There’s a tractor, with snow-plough attached clearing the slush/snow off Ferry Road.... this is good.... in fact it’s excellent!    I’m going to have a cuppa, then a walk to the beach, after which I might contemplate going up for the paper (in the car).    There are brighter parts of the general grey sky .... we could get a sunny spell ....!  

11.00      Feeling in ‘slight adventure mode’ I decided to go to Leven, for a cuppa in Sainsbury’s, and to pick up any supplies that came to mind.    I got as far as Kinneuchar Station where I came upon a traffic cone in the middle of the road, and a car reversing down the brae at the other side of the bridge.    That was the end of the adventure;   I assumed the Muircambus road was being cleared.    I came home and went down to the beach.

20.00     Dougie Thompson put a set of photos of the Muircambus road on Facebook;  no wonder the road was closed:  it was level with snow, .... and there was a car stuck in the middle of it.    Dougie got the road cleared as far as the car, so that it could be ‘rescued’.    Actually we are all due the local farmers a huge “Thank You” because it
High tide today.
was the farmers that cleared out the non- bus route roads.    So....  “Thank You” Dougie, and all the other farming folk, who are moving snow, so that we can get moving around normally again.

This dull and cheerless weather is not very inspiring:  in fact I’ve been feeling a ‘couple of degrees under the weather’ today.    I did go to the beach to find the high tide nibbling away at the dunes;   and the gulls feasting on whatever was being uncovered.     Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be much the same as today’s was;  dull and wet;  but, the tide won’t be quite as high.    I might go to the kirk;  it depends on how I feel.    My dulcet tones would hardly be missed if I am feeling UTW.    (Under the weather).    I’ll have another early night .... and hope to sleep orf this ‘under the weatherness’.    I’ll decide in the morning on what the ‘plan’ is .

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