.... It's not raining?

11th March 2018 (Sunday) .... 13.30    This has been an enjoyable day:   the fact that it isn’t raining, I’ve been out for a walk,  and to the  Service in
Kilcoquhar Church.
Kinneuchar kirk, has fair cheered me up.    I went up for the paper, in the car, then down to the harbour , to have a walk out to the end of the pier etc.... from there I made my way up to Chapel Green Road, and did the “roond the Chapel walk”:   I can now  say that my knees and hips are getting back to normal.

My neighbour and his wife are driving down to Suffolk today, a journey of, roughly, eight and a half hours.    We were talking as we stood in Ferry Road.... from where we could just see the ‘Sooth side’.    When I went up the road to go to the kirk, I saw that Balcarres was hidden in a blanket of thick fog;   I only hope that the fog wasn’t too extensive, and that they would drive out of it by the time they got to Kirkcaldy.

I found the whole Service interesting today;  even two of the hymns were of the ‘give it laldie’ kind.    I didn’t.     The sermon had me thinking good style.... Prof Brian Cox, and photos from the Hubble telescope were mentioned, which immediately switched my brain into overdrive.    The last hymn was sung to the tune of ‘Rowan Tree’:  I very nearly gave that one laldie, but didn’t.    I blasted it off on the ‘moothie’ when I got back to Ivy.

I’d better go and have something for lunch.... I’m going to the Memorial Service for deceased loved ones, in Elie kirk at 15.00.

20.00      I feel that time has moved rapidly today;    at 10.30 I was setting off to go to the Service at Kinneuchar... and at 16.00 I was coming out of the kirk hall, having had a cuppa, after the Memorial service at 15.00.    I did have three hours in between the
Elie Church.
services, during which time I had a light lunch, and sorted out the morning's photographs.  
  The Memorial service was very moving, and really well conducted by the Rev Peter Mills.    I came out feeling contented.....  and that was before I had the cuppa and cakes.

Jimmy Mackie’s funeral service is in Elie Church tomorrow (13.00).    Hopefully the weather will be fine for the interment, in Kinneuchar Cemetery, immediately after the service.   The forecast isn’t very promising, with the chance of rain after lunch.

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