Lovely Spring morning .....

26th March 2018 (Monday) ....  08.30    There has been a touch of early
10th green - Earlsferry Links.
morning frost.... which will lift quickly, as we have a ‘bright and sunny, wall to wall bloo sky’.. ... in fact it’s a bonnie, early spring morning.     There’s not much wind, so I’ll get the bike out, .... once the air heats up.   This kind of morning has me in a ‘working’ mood, and I feel reasonably energetic:  if I was a bird I'd be building a nest.... and thinking amorous bird thoughts.  I’ll make a cuppa, and admire the pansies I planted yesterday. 


21.00     Having admired the pansies, and coming away feeling horticultural, I decided to go to Leven:  stuff needing sorted with the Bank of Scotland.     I might be in a state of ‘love’ with the teller.... she was very helpful:  to celebrate this ‘state’ I went over the
Late afternoon - Elie beach.
street, to Costa coffee, and had a Flat White.   
You will remember that I mentioned the Spring weather got me into a working mood,  welll .... I spent most of the afternoon tidying up, and rearranging ‘The Hutte’.    The job isn’t finished, but ‘The Hutte’ has the ‘romantic bower’ look about it already.    It’s this Spring weather, it gets my hormone (yes ... singular) all fired up.    Fortunately the weather is not forecast to be spring like tomorrow:  the wind is going to the east and bringing rubbish with it ....  wet stuff:  Inclement weather will bring an end to any hormonal loupin’ aboot.   Tuesday is forecast  to be the dreich day this week, after that we could have showers, and sunny spells, for the remainder of the week.

This is Easter weekend, and the start of the Easter Holiday.   This means that the
Balmy evening.
villages will be busy for the next couple of weeks, with visitors, and ‘stuff’ happening .... especially at the weekends.  On Saturday (31st March) we have a Coffee Morning in Earlsferry Town Hall at 10.00, then, on Easter Sunday 1st April), there’s the Easter Service at the Harbour (08.15).    The ‘Harbour Service’ is followed by ‘breakfast’ in the Kirk Hall.    After ‘breakfast’ there’s the normal Sunday Service (11.00) in the church, and then we return to the   kirk hall for ‘lunch.    Busy day on Sunday .... remember to wrap up warmly for the Harbour Service.     After the weekend I go into hibernation.

I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing tomorrow;  it depends on how the weather is.   If it isn’t too bad I might continue working in ‘The Hutte’.... sorting out my pencils and paints etc.

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