Dental appointment in Anstruther ....

6th March 2018 (Tuesday) .... 09.30 .... It’s wet, windy and cold .... and, lucky for me,  I have an appointment with the dentist.    Why lucky?    Because there are always people to talk too in the Waiting Room, and at least another two in the
Anstruther .... from the East Pier Car Park.
surgery.... aye ....  the visit to the dentist will brighten up a grey morning.    The visit to the dentist will be followed by a coffee in the Fisheries Museum.   
With the snow turning to water, and the rain adding more water, we do have loads of wetness to cope with this morning.    The rain is forecast to peter out in the evening and .... hard to believe... we should have sunny spells tomorrow! 

18.30     Mmmmmm .... the weather may have been dreich, but I’ve been busy.    The trip to the dentist went perfectly .... I have to floss more often, but apart from that, ..... and getting ‘long in the tooth, all is well.    I have reels of floss sited at strategic places throughout Ivy.... including at the computer station.   It was raining heavily in Anstruther, so much so that I forgot I’d intended going for coffee in the Fisheries
Shore Road Anstruther... from a bus shelter.

The road between St Monans and Pittenweem was ‘open’, but the work isn’t finished;  there are large bits of the road surface cut out ready for repair, so a lot of ‘humps and bumps’.    I came home via the Colinsburgh Strait, to avoid the St Minnins road, and for a change of scenery.   It was wet.   The scenery i.e.

When having a lite lunch, and watching Bargain Hunt, I decided to go to Leven in the afternoon.    I thought that, if it’s going to be sunny tomorrow, with light winds, I’d get some shopping done today.... and, perhaps, get the bike out tomorrow.    Enjoy the sunshine.   

The road to Leven was wet, with two huge puddles to drive through;  But hey, Jimmy always said that “diesel cars sail through water like a boat” ... and he was right.... the VW bumbles through big puddles nae bother.   There is an amber flood warning out for the whole of Fife tonight;  the heavy rain and the melting snow means much wetness.     It should begin to dry up ‘ra morra’.

I didn’t really intend getting much in the way of shopping, but I had a grand wander
Big puddle .... just east of  Upper largo.
round the aisles in Sainsbury’s     Some of the shelves had big gaps in them.... folks re-stocking with supplies I imagine.... but I got everything I had on the list... plus a few ‘emergency rations’ (chocolate biscuits).    The shop (Sainsbury’s) will be back to normal tomorrow, the checkout lassie told me.    She was lovely:   I might be ‘in love’.

According the weather forecast we might wake up to a touch of frost tomorrow morning;   as long as it doesn’t snow again I’ll be a happy bunny.    My knee is still sair from walking around in snow:  “walk like a penguin” they say .... as a far as I can tell, penguins dinnae have knees, so it’s alright for them!

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