No need for sun cream .....

16th March 2018 (Friday) .... 07.30    ‘Windy, wet and cold’ was the forecast .... and .... ‘windy, wet and cold, we have.    It is a miserable morning, and this
Elie Bay from Chapel Green.
weather is forecast to last the whole day:   however .... don’t be too hasty throwing the sun cream out  .... we could  have a  few ‘sunny spells’ tomorrow.  

11.30     There has been much work done at the top Scoonie Brae over the past couple of years... and it still goes on .... the gas main is being replaced now;  with a three way set of traffic lights controlling the traffic.    I hope it’s done and dusted by the Easter weekend!   Oh .... I went to Leven this morning, mostly to get ‘out and about', but I bought a load of bird food in the ‘Cheap Shop’, and posted a letter.     I was lucky with the Scoonie Brae traffic lights, passing through non- stop on the way in, and only having to wait a couple of minutes on the
Elie Bay.
way out.   It’s not a pleasant day for being out .... but it’s coming up to high tide (12.09) just now so I’m going to the beach.

12.30     I didn't go to the beach;  far too windy, and no shelter from the wind when it's from this direction.    Instead I went up to Chapel Green (in the car) and took some photographs from the lee of the Chapel ruin.   It's not a big tide, but there are some big rollers coming in.    I think that I stay in Ivy for the remainder of 'today'.... it's not a day for outside stuff.

19.30     This has been a fairly productive day after all;   I made myself some ‘ready meals for freezing.    It has been the perfect day for working in the kitchen.... and watching Time Team on the ‘tele’.    I’m glad that I did go to Leven, and up to the Chapel earlier.... that gave me a wee bit exercise.    Since I bought the protective
The biggest terra cota fountain in the world - Glasgow Green.
cycling glasses the weather has been such that I have hardly been able to use them.
Our weather for tomorrow is supposed to be slightly better;   very windy (East), but dry... with, perhaps, a few sunny/brighter spells.    It looks like I might jump in the car and go somewhere different,.... somewhere with trees, to provide a degree of  shelter from the wind.   Once again I’ll be in bed early with a book;   unless I can find something to watch on the tele.

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