Feeling animated

31st March 2018 (Saturday)     09.30 .... I’m feeling fairly animated this morning;   alas, the weather is not suitable for playing outside:   being ‘dull with rain’,
It looks cold .... and it was!
now and again’.    The wind has backed to the Northeast, and it is cold, ....  but, easier to breathe.     I’ll have a bumble down to the beach after breakfast;   choosing my time with care.... to miss the  showers.     You never know we might get a sunny spell later;    having said that,   I don’t think the bike will be coming out today at all.    Orf to have breakfast, having overslept .... again.    This is perfect ‘sleeping in’ weather.

11.30     I’ve yet to get to the beach, but I have been working on the computer.    As expected, the villages are busy with holiday makers:   I know this because I see ‘strangers’ walking on Ferry Road, .... strangers wearing waterproofs etc.   This is not holiday weather.    I’m going to see if it’s dry enough to go to the beach;  we’re having
Sea Tangle 'road' this afternoon.
a brighter spell (paler shade of grey) just now.

17.30     I did get out for a walk;    in fact I did the ‘roond the Chapel, and home by the beach’ walk, which works out at just under 2 kilometres, so I’m a happy bunny;   and a slightly cauld one.    It did threaten to rain at one point but it never came too much.    There were a lot of ‘strangers’ out walking;   taking advantage of the quieter spell of weather.    Anne was the only other local that I met.   
It was high tide by the time I got to the beach part of the walk, so I walked along the bents.    It’s a 5.8 metre tide today (and tomorrow) and there are some big rollers coming in.     With the wind being off the Northeast the waves aren’t as destructive as they were last week.
19.30     It certainly has not been ‘holiday’ weather so far this Easter .... in fact the
Earlsferry High Street.
weather  on Good Friday, and today has been downright miserable:  but, I have been able to get going with two ‘projects’ on the computer... and had a walk on both days.   It’s definitely an ill wind that doesn’t blow somebody some good.    Is spite of the weather I am content.

Tomorrow morning, at 08.15, we have an Easter Service at Elie Harbour:  the weather forecast for tomorrow is cold and mostly dry, with sunny spells .... after an early touch of frost.    We’ll be glad to get up to, and into, the kirk hall for breakfast;  which follows immediately after the harbour service!

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