Eureka .... sunshine!

19th March 2018 (Monday)......  09.30    We have a gorgeous morning;   sunny with some clouds, and not quite as windy, though still from the East.     I
Lovely morning.
have been for a walk on the beach, only as far as the ‘black wa’... and was happy to be able to bumble about the beach again.    Much sand has been moved by the tides over the past 10 days.    The ‘Schooner Dub’ has been nigh on converted to a beach. ... and the ‘black wa’ bedrock has been exposed.  
I’d better go and have breakfast;  I knew there was something I had to do, before I go for the paper.

19.30    What a difference a sunny day makes:  loads of ‘feel good factor’ and the urge
Elie beach.
to do things.    My face;  and the backs of my delicate hands, feel as if they have a touch of sunburn!    That’s because I have been on the beach three times today, two times on the main beach, and once on the harbour beach.    And it has been sunny.    In point of fact, it was warm in the sun when sheltered from the wind;    which was from the Northeast today, but not as strong as it has been for the past few days.    In between going to the beach I did a washing ..... ‘cos it’s been a good drying day.... and they (drying days)  have been few, and very far between lately.    A ‘good drying day’ is forecast for tomorrow so I might take advantage of that and do another wash.
The villages are quite busy with holiday makers;   elderly folk mostly.   I’m enjoying
The Ferry beach.
talking to people from all over the UK.    Oh that reminds me;  this is “National Conversation Week”:    we are encouraged to converse more.  Converse more?    Mmmmmm, I wonder, could I do that? ..... will I be able to overcome my natural shyness?    It is only for a week;  so I should manage that.

You know how I’ve been moanin’ about having a sair knee:   the funny thing is when I’m out with the camera, it, the sair knee(?)  .... is forgotten about, and I hardly even feel it.   And I did a lot of pottering around on the beaches today!    Having said that it is stiff tonight!    I think I’m ready to go to Shell Bay woods, with Jim and ‘SD’ sometime, to see how I get on there.

 Boat Wynd... the West end of the Ferry beach..
We have had lovely weather today, and the forecast is, for tomorrow’s weather to be slightly better.... the wind is backing to the Northwest.      I have an eye test at Anstruther tomorrow afternoon.    The morning will be spent on the beach .... and sorting out The Hutte.

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