Tarland trip.....

16th June 2017 (Friday) ....  07.00   It’s a nice ‘bright and breezy’ morning mostly,  though there are clouds scuttling over from the West;    rain is not mentioned
Myrebird, Crathes .... where Janet was born.
in the weather forecast.

I am getting organised for the run up to Auntie Johan’s funeral:  it will be a ‘long’ day, and a sad one, but not too strenuous.     I’d best get a move on.... got to get myself into a suit.

21.30     Tarland kirk was nigh on ‘Full Up’ with Family and Friends  celebrating “Auntie John’s Life”.    The Service was done beautifully.... and  “Auntie Johan’s” happy personality seemed to spread through the whole atmosphere of the Service:  almost as if she was there making sure that we were ‘happy’.... what a wonderful end to a beautiful Life.     The interment, in Aboyne Cemetery, was followed by a ‘fly cup’ at the ‘Lodge on the Loch’, and a grand chat with cousins, some of whom Janet and I  haven’t  seen for many years.   On the way up
Janet and I with cousins.
to Tarland we stopped at “Peggy Scott’s restaurant” where we had a ‘full breakfast’.    After we’d gone over the ‘Cairn o’ Mount’ we decided to go and have a look at “Myrebird”, ... where Janet was born.    We couldn’t see much of the house, because the trees that our ‘Dad’ planted 70 years ago are mature trees now!    We took a few photos from the roadside then continued on our way, arriving at Tarland at 12.40.    I have driven 212 miles today, and I actually enjoyed driving;   the only mistake I made was at Fettercairn.   On the way ‘up’ we left the A90 at the Edzell junction, and passed through Edzell village.    Not so on the way ‘down’:   I followed the Edzell sign at Fettercairn and that was all we saw ... the sign.    It was like someone had rubbed Edzell orf the map.    We eventually reached the A90 five miles north of the Edzell junction!      Dundee was fairly busy but I managed to negotiate my
Janet at the Cairn o Mount viewpoint.
way to the ‘bridge’ without any hassle.... and arrived back at Ivy at 18.40.... having dropped Janet off at “No 59” 20 minutes earlier.    It is a tired boy who will be crawling off to bed tonight.... and he’ll be having a sleep in tomorrow morning!   In fact ‘sleeping in’ is the ‘plan’ for tomorrow morning!  

Photographs : Top – Myrebird. Crathes... where Janet was born, Middle – Janet and ‘The Boy’ with cousins, and Bottom – Janet at the Cairn o’ Mount viewpoint.

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