Feeling hungry .....

1st June 2017 Thursday ..... 09.30     It is overcast mostly, as was forecast, but we do get spells on sunshine now and again .... and it’s warm.    I’ve been
Motor boat "Bonny" passing the Beacon.
clambering about on the rocks at Chapel Green;  it’s a braw morning for ‘clambering’.... though my knees might not agree.

With this being a ‘Drop in Cafe’  afternoon, my ‘plan’ for the morning is to do some work around the garden .... I’ll transfer some weeds from Ivy garden into the ‘broon bucket’. 

20.00    This has been a horrid day;   I had to miss the ‘Drop in Cafe’.   For the past couple of days I’ve had a ‘dry throat’, which I put down to the East wind;   today by lunchtime I was coughing and spluttering with a full blown cold.   Rather than spread this around, though I have no doubt it must already be in the villages, I decided to skip the ‘Cafe’.     I don’t know where I ‘picked this up’ but it isn’t just the east wind;  obviously I’ve walked into cloud of germs from someone sneezing.    Anyway the ‘plan’
Dog walkers on The Ferry beach.
is to have a hot toddie and an early night in bed with my book;   and I’ll lie low until this clears up.

I spent the afternoon in the Hutte, drinking cups o’ tea, and a Lemsip;  doing Soduko’s and feeding ‘Blob’ and Co.    ‘Blob’ and ‘Scrawny Bag’ don’t mess about, they come into the Hutte to let me know they are looking for food.

We have had a wet evening;  the rain began at 16.30, and, though not heavy, it is drab and ‘dreich’.    The rain should have moved on by morning time, though it will most likely be cloudy at first, with sunny spells by lunch time.    Depending on how I feel (and how the weather is) I might go down to the beach in the morning.

This ‘lying low’ means that I have been looking at the News on the television ... mostly
Earlsferry from Chapel Ness.
boring political News.... however one News story did annoy me, and that’s about people (touts) who applied for free tickets to the Manchester, ‘Old Trafford’ concert, intending to to sell on at heavily inflated prices.   I suppose it could be called ‘entrepreneurship’;  just another facet to 'rip off' Britain.    We live in very sad times .... in more ways than one.

Photographs : Top – ‘Bonny’ passing the Beacon, Middle – dog walkers on the Ferry beach, and Bottom – taken from Chapel Ness.

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