Frisky wind .....

23rd June 2017 (Friday) .... 08.30   We have ....“windy and grey, with the look of rain” weather;   but that is forecast to clear, leaving us with a brighter
Earlsferry rocks.
afternoon followed by a lovely evening.   Although breezy just now, it isn’t cold.... I fancy a wander along a breezy beach! 

    21.30    It was a ‘breezy beach’ this morning .... it still is, but I did have a good potter around the rocks, and out to the end of the ‘overflow pipe’ (the old sewage pipe).   Light rain began to blow through in the wind so I called a halt to the fun and went home.    The beach was busier than I expected it to be ....  with visitors, because I didn’t meet anyone I knew.

I browsed the morning’s batch of photographs taken from the rocks etc, then had a cuppa;   Jimmy’s timing was impeccable as ever.... arriving just as the kettle began to boil.    We moaned about ....  er .. discussed the ‘shortness of summer’, and the nights ‘drawing in’.    We decided that we’d take precautionary measures, and look out our scarves etc. ready for any cold snap that comes our way.

The Ferry beach ... from the seaward end  overflow pipe.
After an extended lunch .... I fell asleep in the Hutte;   I then did a spot of weeding to salve my conscience.    After aforementioned conscience was ‘salved’, which didn’t take long,  I watched an adult thrush showing three young ones where to find snails in Ivy garden.    The ‘teaching’ seems to be successful because the number of empty snail shells is rapidly increasing;   now I know why.   It’s not often three fledglings reach the size that these are;   predation, by cats, being the main problem.

In the afternoon I got everything ready to make ‘mince and tautties’;  a big batch so that I’d make some ‘Cottage Pies’ for freezing.    Jimmy arrived for an afternoon cuppa, the topic of discussion being the lovely weather that had arrived in the past
Berwick Law ... the south end of the medieval 'Ferry Passage'.
hour or so:  we decided that we didn’t need our scarves.... just yet.   The ‘thrush family’ had reached the front garden by the time Jimmy was leaving.

The ‘mince and tautties’ is excellent;  I used some of Michael’s secret ingredients, (secretly ‘hidden’ on the top shelf of a high cupboard), they make the M & T’s very flavoursome.    Note to me;   must remember to replace Michael’s secret ingredients!    I made three ‘Cottage Pies’.

Photographs : Top – from the Cockstail rocks,  Middle – the beach from the overflow pipe, and Bottom – Berwick Law... and North Berwick town.

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